Chapter 4

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Cidalia's POV

I woke up due to a horrible headache. All the crying had worn me out until I finally fell asleep in my bed. I had no idea how long I had been asleep nor what time it was. I searched for the light switch to turn on my lights. Once I found it I pushed the button and turned my room completely bright. Still tired and exhausted I crawled out of my bed and faltered towards my desk. My clock showed 10.13 pm. I decided to take a quick shower and get back to sleep afterwards. Fastly I got undressed and threw this horrible dress inside the corner. When I looked inside the mirror, I could not identify myself anymore. My puffy red eyes still looked sad and lifeless. The right cheek was swollen and turned into a red-violet color. My left flank had a big bruise. Gently I touched it and immediately shrieked due to the pain it sent through my whole body. I nearly began to cry again but I tried to stay calm. I got into the shower and started to wash away all the pain, sadness, and disgust I felt the whole day. The warm water felt like a healing potion which let me escape from my real life for a short amount of time and be free for the moment.

After 20 minutes I finished, dried my hair, and put on some fresh underwear and a white nightgown. I went back to my bed when I heart a strange noise coming from the other side of my door. Slowly I opened it and glanced outside. Well, that is weird? Why are there no guards in front of my door? I stepped fully outside and looked around the hall. That was when a small girl attacked me from behind. She tried to cut me with her knife, but I could dodge it just in time. I blinked at her in complete disbelieve.

>>Who are you?<< I asked in fear. She seemed a little bit younger than me, but she had incredible fighting skills and techniques. , one on each side of her head. She sighted and looked at me with a bright smile and opened eyes.

>>I'm sorry but can I please kidnap you? It's much easier if you just cooperate!<< What is that supposed to mean?! I looked at her with surprise and confusion. What is going on with this girl. Is she serious? I was about to go for a run when suddenly white fog appeared in the hallway. What is that? Where does it come from? Is this girl doing it?! Startled I scanned her body, but it seemed like she was not activating any kind of magic. So, who is producing the fog? That was when another person appeared right in front of me. How did she get there? I asked myself in shook. Her body shimmered light blue which disappeared after a few seconds, making her completely visible again. She used my confusion to grab my left wrist, slammed it onto my back and pushed me down to the floor. I shrieked when she landed on me. Both knees on top of my legs to prevent me from thrashing around.

>>Let go of me!<< I shouted while struggling, trying to get her of me but she was too strong. She took my other hand and tied them up behind my back.

>>I'm sorry Miss.<< She spoke with a rather calm and gentle voice. >>If you just stay quiet and stop moving around so much, I'll promise we won't hurt you!<< My eyes filled up with tears. Why me?! Was my day not horrible enough? I tried to find an opening to get away, but the girls seemed to have planned everything in detail. While the smaller one made sure no one was there to interfere, the other one kept me in place and tied me up. My sight felt upon a small bouquet in the corner of the hallway. The beautiful flowers withered in a short amount of time. >>Oh no!<< I gasped and started to thrash around even wilder.

>>Hey what are you doing; you just make it harder for the both of us!<< The women on top of me rebuked with an annoying undertone.

>>You do not understand!<< I shouted. >>You are both in great danger!<< I could feel how my body temperature dropped immediately. Cold wind and fog appeared while I tried to fight against the force taken over my body. Both girls looked at me with fear and confusion.

>>What's going on with her!<< The short girl shrieked. >>Is this her magic?<<

>>Just shut up and help me to get her under control! We must leave! There isn't much time left before one of the guards finds us here!<< The girl on top of me pushed me down to the floor even harder. The other one sprinted towards me as well trying to keep my struggling body in place.

>>Just leave me alone!<< I shouted as loud as I could. And that was when I lost all control over my body. An immense shook wave pushed the two girls away from me and broke all the windows in the hallway. Every flower withered and the air filled with dark particles which made it hard to breath for any living being. Both girls coughed and tried to reach for air but there was nearly nothing left of it. I tried to calm myself down but the emotions I suppressed all day long took over and strengthen my magic power. Tears ran down my cheeks and I just wished that this power would stop! Suddenly I got hit by an immense fire barrier and was slammed at the wall with brutal force. The immense pain which flew through my body paralyzed my own magic for a short among of time. Finally, I got my control over my body back. I crashed on the floor growling due to the pain.

>>Is everyone all right?<< I heart a male voice talking. >>We should hurry before the guards are showing up; the magic caused a loud commotion!<< I stood up still growling because of the pain my body felt by every movement. When I looked up, I saw into crimson red eyes. They had a fearsome and strong expression like a demon from the other side but at the same time they had something calm and protective. I just stood there still looking into those beautiful eyes which feared and fascinated me at the same time.

>>I'm sorry princess but I need you to sleep for a while!<< That's when he slammed a needle inside my right arm. In a blink of an eye my sight became blurry, and I was overwhelmed by an immense tiredness. The last thing I saw where those crimson red eyes before a deep sleep fell upon my body.

Zen's POV

I caught the girl's body before she dropped to the floor. What a troublesome she is. I sighed and looked again at her beautiful and pure face. She really does look like an angel. When she stared at me with those amazing green cat eyes, I got the feeling that she could see directly into my soul which scared me a little, but I couldn't look away from those amazing emerald eyes. I hope I can see those shining green eyes again... Wait what am I thinking?! This girl isn't my type! Yeah, she looks good, but she is probably that kind of girl which stays inside her room all day and reads romance books. Just a boring girl protected by her family. So back to business! I said to myself and tried to stay focused. I picked her up and placed her over my shoulder.

>>Aurora, Nova are you, alright?<< I turned around. Both girls got up and stared in shook towards the angel like girl I carried on my shoulder.

>>What was that!<< Nova stuttered still confused about the situation that just happened.

>>We have no time to think about this, let's go before the guards come back! The sleeping potion doesn't work for too long! We got what we came for so let's go!<< Aurora pushed Nova and me towards the exit.

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