Sounding a mix of shocked and worried, Japan yellped, "Wha-?!"

Cutting him off and gritting his teeth into a smile, Russia hissed furiously, "Not like that you fucking pervert!"

Both were quiet, Russia tapping his foot and grumbling, annoyed by the other personification's ignorance to the situation. Japan himself coughed once before he stuttered into speech again, "Sorry," he choked out before another shuffling sound was heard, maybe him standing up, "Why are you calling me again?"

Russia leaned his back against the wall, crossing his free arm across his stomach, "I wish to discuss some things with you..."

"W-what type of things?" Japan immediately rushed, sounding suddenly distrustful of his half-ally.

"China clearly," Russia purred gleefully, his voice free of annoyance with the new proof of the Japanese man's utter obliviousness.

But he surprised him, becoming completely serious Japan almost seemed to straighten up, "What happened? What can I do?"

Smirking at the change in personality, Russia started to speak, "Well, I have a theory..."

Japan waited, and hearing his intense focus Russia's smirk widened, "It's-" he started. But suddenly China spoke up from the other room, worry twisted into his heavily accented voice.

"Is your government treating you badly aru?" He called sounding distinctly unsure, "do you need help?"

"Hold on," Russia whispered into his phone before putting it down and turning his head and changing the tone of his voice to sound less focused, "Ah, no Yao, it's fine."

"Are you sure aru...?" China stuttered, sounding worried despite Russia's clear reassurance.

"Uh, yeah, it's fine Yao," He called back every so slightly shakily, "I'll leave if you want me to..."

"Uhm," the older personification mumbled before raising his voice again, "S-sure, because you have to go back home soon enough anyway aru..."

"You're at his house?!" Japan's shocked voice sounded through the Nokia in Russia's hand. Having almost forgotten he was still on the other side of the phone the taller nation jumped and quickly brought it closer to his mouth.

"Shhhh!!!" he hissed, "Give me a moment!"

Dropping the phone to his side again, Russia peaked around the corner, not noticing how intensely he was staring into China's soul in the process. "I'll do that then, just give me a few seconds...!"

"Alright aru," China sighed, "Bye I guess...?" His voice sounded hopeful, as if asking to talk again, though he would never admit it in words. His white haired companion smirked behind the cover of the wall that separated them. Maybe he was getting somewhere.

China went silent with a last shaky breath and Russia swallowed, suddenly feeling almost bad for cutting off their conversation. Plus, he wasn't sure why his ally seemed so distressed in the first place and that in itself was a reason to worry.

"I'll call you back," Russia spat out into the receiving end of the phone, sounding much more hostile than he had meant to.

"Wha-" Japan started, but he was cut off as Russia ended the call, dropping the phone back into his pocket with an almost cracking noise due to the quickly moving fabric of his sleeve.

He walked back into the main room, awkwardly smiling across the room at China who nodded in acknowledgement.

"Sorry," he sighed, scratching the back of his head with on leather gloved hand, "So sorry about that call, but my boss wants me back,"

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