|𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚊|

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Back from our short holiday.

Good day guys, How are you? And on today's interview, I have Farida Haruna. The author of Maiden, Slashed, Being Unguarded, A Life Partner, When Karma Comes Knocking,Royal and Lastly, A peculiar Love Story. She told us about her journey on Wattpad and how she got to know about the 'Wattpad Banters'.

In: Can you tell us your full name ?

Farida Haruna: Haruna Farida.

In: Do you care to briefly tell us about yourself?

Farida Haruna: Actually yes I do.
My birthdate is 11th February, I am 22. A graduate of chemistry education from usmanu Dan fodiyo university. I have lived all my life in Sokoto, but I am from kogi and Igala by tribe.

I am from a family of eight including my parents and I am the fourth born. I've got four sisters and a brother.
I love sleeping.

I love reading or watching movies at my leisure time. I am quite friendly when I want to be and I hate lies. Throw the truth in my face no matter how bitter it is, I will accept it.
I am quite a talkative and an extrovert.

In: How did you get to know about Wattpad ? And are you a writer or reader?

Farida Haruna: I honestly can't remember how, but I know I became addicted to it the very first time I downloaded it. I had no idea there are Nigerian themed books, so I read a whole lot of Islamic Indian themed novels😒

I am a writer.

In: What was the name of the first book you read on Wattpad?

Farida Haruna: Hazards of skinny dipping by Alyssa Rose Ivy.

In:When did you start writing on Wattpad and what was the book about?


arida Haruna: In 2016, when I was in 200level in the university.

The book was titled slashed. The name makes me laugh😂
My family teased me because of it.

But, it did go well with the title because, it had to do with betrayal from a bestfriend. The bestfriend had been inlove with the husband from the very beginning, but he fell inlove with his wife. So the bestfriend hatched a plan to have them eliminated.

Luckily the head armedrobber couldn't find it in him to kill two infants, so he took the twins and sent the mother off.
Everything fell into place in the future. It's just that the wife had found love somewhere else.I

In: Care to  tell us about all your books?

Farida Haruna: My first book was slashed, i actually deleted the draft. It was the first book I wrote on Wattpad, that book actually got me quite a number of loyal readers. They probably saw my potential and got stuck to me. The book is kind of all over the place, it had a whole lot of childishness, cliches😂 and typos. I didn't think I'd ever want to edit it not because the story line is bad, but because I know I could do better.

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