Admin|01| Iduh Vivian Opeyemi

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Light, camera and action.

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Hi ladies and gentlemen.  For our interview today,we have admin no one and she is Iduh Vivian Opeyemi also known as theomoope. In today's interview, theomoope told us about her journey while writing and also the Wattpad Banters. Let's get started.

In:Do you mind telling us your full name?

Adm01:I do not mind.

I'm Iduh Vivian Opeyemi. I'm known as TheOmoope to Wattpad people😃.

In: The name that makes my heart skip a beat🥺
In: Can you tell us more about yourself ??

Adm01: So, Omoope is the author of three complete books, a Christian, about 5'5 (I'm short😌, I know), I'm a sucker for books, I love reading books from every part of the world. I'm a final year student of English and Literature at the University of Benin, I cannot hesitate to talk about the rights of women(it's flush in my blood).

I'm a fan of surprises, little notes, gifts and all the more. I love Love and Happily ever Afters.

In:I am also short😂

Adm01: Lets take a selfie😂😂

What inspired you to write?

Adm01: A lot. Reading many books of others, reading books and reading more books. I subscribe to the notion of writing what you haven't seen written before, so I delved into writing to do my own part.

I love every moment of shuffling the alphabet as Mjay says😂.

In:I would say this is a fantastic reason to write.

Adm01: Thank you 😘.

In:How did you come up with the Idea of creating the group'Wattpad Banters'?

Adm01: So, the Wattpad banters story is a really funny one. One day, in the comments section of Nanah Muhammad's book, Fatima Gujbawu, I and some others discussed so much. Oh we argued 🌝😂😂

Then we decided to take it away from Wattpad when it got to about 110 replies to one single comment. That night, we created what is today called Wattpad Banters.

It's been forever forward ever since.

In: I relate😂
Can you tell you tell us more about the Wattpad banters? What they do and when?

Adm01: So, we're basically for girls alone. To talk about all things Wattpad, writing, women's health, rights, to talk so freely without judgement and righteous indignation from others.

We randomly enter the group and bring up topics, anyone can discuss their own points. We haven't really had fights except for when we had some unexpected elements come into the group to make trouble.

In:What was your first book about ? And what was your emotions while writing it?

Adm01: My book was about Ajike; a woman who faced emotional domestic violence and deeply etched emotional scarring.

Really, I thought about many things in the eight weeks with which I wrote that book. My emotions varied from pained, to sad to extremely sad. Ajike is my first and one of my favorites.

In:If I am allowed to say this , then ajike was and still is one of my top ten.

Adm01: Aww. Amynah🥺🥺.


In: How do you relate to your characters?

Adm01: I told someone that I didn't relate to Nabeela. I don't relate to any of them apart from Halima Aliyu(whom I named after my real life best friend).

I am unmarried, unhitched, I've never been in a crazy relationship, I have always known love. But I see women around me fall prey to bad men, to bad bad people.This I can say fuels my writing.

In: Wow, this is the first time a writer said so. Most of the writers relate to their characters
about your 'Published' books?

Adm01: I suppose in a way they do. Maybe some of my minor characters, I relate to them. But you see the Major ones, I do not.

In: What are the challenges you faced or facing as a writer?

Adm01: Non constructive criticism.

Early on in my writing, many people thought it easy to attack me, attack my work, attack the motivation behind what I write about. It was very heartbreaking but soon enough, I was shrugging off their words and began to be my own person.

These things have shaped my writing alongside my very supportive mom.

In: How long does it take you to finish writing a book?

Adm01: Sometimes a year (due to school), 😩😩But this year, I'm hoping to change something about that with Misfortunate.

In: Do you have a favorite person or place?

Adm01: I have many favorite people. 😂😂😂(Lots of amazing people in my life ❤️💕)

And my favorite place is the most peaceful state in Nigeria (in my opinion), Abeokuta.

In: How do you feel while chatting with the Wattpad Banters?

Adm01: Like I'm in a league of sisters who have my back any time. I know with them, anything is possible. 🤗🤗❤️

In: If you are given a chance to publish your book in paperback would you and why ?

Adm01: I totally would! It's been pressing on my mind since early last year though and I've been looking for good publishing houses for my self publishing ambition.

In: Where do you see your self in the future?

Adm01: As many things, most of them me achieving my biggest dreams and making sure my friends and I win at every point.

In: What do you have to say to the ladies?

Adm01: Let's keep this bond for ever. I love you all so much.

It's my joy and pleasure to be your friend. 🤗🤗🤗

In: And what is your final words to both the writers and readers?

Adm01: Write! Write! Write!

Read! Read again and read!

In: And this is the end of our interview with admin no1, who told brief told us about the Wattpad Banters and her journey while writing.

Stay tuned for more interviews coming your way . I am your host Amyna Ndaliman, Thank you❤️.

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