How The Prince Was Created

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"Your so beauitful Lady Ava,"

I had turned to see Frigga at the door way watching me. She had came to me and had taken a strand of hair out of my face. She had smiled at me.

"Thank you Frigga, that's very kind of you to say that to me"

She had touched my cheek . She was so beauitful even when she she was middle aged, she has large blue eyes that had shown great affection towards me. Loki had shown love to me like that when he could touch me.

I still love him dearly, besides the horrible crimes he had done. It was only a way of him showing his true colors to the world. He hid it far too long and this was the perfect oppertunity to show it. He needed to be king , but Asgard wasn't ready, so he had tried to become Midgards king. Both plans had failed. But I still love him.

I think I always will.

" I know it's difficult, but if he wasn't in the prison, he would be next tot you telling you the same"

I smiled at that comment.  I visit him somtimes, but today I am going to come and see him a bit later after the party so I could celebrate my anniversary with him.

"Thank you, he would."

"You meant the world to him, he only wanted you to impress you. The crown is what he thought you might have deserved with him.'

Frigga had taken my hand as she had heard a man's voice clear. We had both turned around together to see the handsome prince with golden bond hair. He had smiled at the two of us politely and had approached me.

"Lady Ava ,Odin wants to talk to you before the ceremony" Thor had taken my hand and had began to lead me out of the room to Odin's bed chambers where he had been preparing for the party. There was no reason to talk to me before the party, but I had went anyways.

Since I was here, Odin never had called me to his chambers .I only had seen him in his room when he was sleeping. But I have to admit that the room was very nice to be in. Odin was sitting on his bed with a calm look on his face.

He had jestured Thor to close the door behind him, which he had done. Odin had taken a deep breath before speaking.

"I want to congrdulate you for being a member of the Asgardian family for two hundred years"

Thats it?

I had bowed lowly to him and he had smiled "Thank you Orfather"

"It's also two hundred years you and Loki have been married. Tonight, we are going to end the marriage"

My heard had stopped right there " What? "

"Father, you can't do that. Loki and Ava are still very much in love"

"I can and I will, I am the king and I need the heir of Asgard to have a beauitful wife to bear children with. Thor your going to marry Ava instead"

Thor and I looked at eachother awkuardly. We like eachother, but not in that way. We see eachother as good friends. Thor had shivered a bit at the thought of it. I had felt my heart pound quickly as I wasn't expecting this at all.

"Father, I am fond of Ava, but I don't like her that way at all !"

"Yes, Orfather, I like Thor as well, but he isn't marriage materal for me" I had added.

Odin wasn't too pleased with our responces " Well, if you want to have sanctuary here, then you are going to have to suck it up  and marry him. I am not going to have Loki's wife around here not having his children! He's a traitor of his family, don't you see that Ava?"

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora