Your A True Princess

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When I had heard that Loki was alive, you would have thought that I would have been over joyed.

Instead it had given me anouther reason to feel the temptation of changing his fate.

I had thought about going back in time for him, but I had thought that it would cause me so much more pain. I would know what could have happened, and that is scary enough for me.

It had terrified me to hear that he had taken his own life to try and kill his own brother. He had ruined his family history and I had began to wonder what I had seen in the Asgardian who tried to take over the Midgard world.

Loki was all chained up when he had entered the hall. There were two guards that had brought him in slowly. His cold ,bitter eyes stared at me for a moment then went back to the figure beside me : Odin, his father.

Frigga had looked past her husband to look at me for a moment. Her face had seemed to reflect the same way I was feeling : disipointment.

But my husband had thought of this as a game so he had wobbled over, pretending to be intoxicated. He had laughed and had stopped before the stairs to Odin's throne.

"I don't see what the big fuss is about"

Are you serious?

"Do you truely not know the revoult that you have brought to our family, the planet?" Odin had said clearly.

Thor , who was beside me had nodded in agreement with his fathers oppinion. Odin, for once really did have a bright idea.

"I went down to earth so I could become a king or even better a god to them like you" His eyes had looked up to his saddened father.  He wanted to show him that he was worth it.

"We are not gods, we are born, we live, we die. Just like humans do"  Odin corrected him.

My husband had shrugged it off and thought it was nothing " Give it or take 5000 years"

I couldn't help myself, but I had to speak my mind in all of this. My husband was foolish for something that he couldn't have " All for a throne"

Loki's eyes locked onto mine and had began to speak in a threatening manner " It was my birth right Ava. You should know that."

"Her birth right is no longer your concern Loki. YOUR'S WAS TO DIE!" Odin had stood up from his throne and looked down at his disobedient son " Cast out in the cold to die. If I hadn't taken you in,you would not be here"

"I am forever greatful for that" He muttered.

"You show no thankfullness for father. You done crimes against his wishes. " Thor had pointed out. Odin had turned his head to his older son and had approved of what he said.

Thor is going to make a wonderful king one day.

Frigga had  silenced the men. "Enough you two, Loki is here. That's all that matters , at least we hadn't lost him alright?"

Thor had nodded in agreement. Odin had sighed and had thought about what he was going to say next. I hope that he doesn't let him off because he needs to be punished. I hope that nothing is going to be let off too easily.

"My wife has a point Loki. Send him to prison"

Loki had smiled to me before he had been lead to the dark dungons. He had known better to even act cocky around me. I don't want to be treated with vain or sin. I want my life to be beauitful and flawless. But with the things up to this point, I don't think they ever will be perfect.

I will never find the love I deserve.


I had taken a moment to stay in my room alone just to think about what had happened. Loki being in prison had kind of twisted my stomach.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora