Chapter Five : The Deal

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That look in my mother's eyes would almost make anyone scream.

Her large brown eyes widened and stared at the dart that was aimed exactly for her head . It was nearly inches away from her face as the man seemed to whistle in a high tone seeming to control the weapon.

The man was bald and blue. But that isn't too special as I seen quite a few of those when mother worked at my dad's office. He also seemed rather wealthy by the look of his clothing and way that he presented himself to us.

"Now now, Carifia where is the bracelett that you had stolen from me ? About two years ago in the bar. I know you have it " He had said glancing at me.

I was standing next to my mother. Even though the dart wasn't on my head, I still was scared for myself and mom. There was somthing about that man that had made me shiver from the moment that he entered the room. I should have trusted my instints.

"Well, look at this youngling here" He had said with a wide grin on his face "She's as pretty as a wild Daisy from Midgard. Tell me is she single? " He turned back to my mother who could barely speak . But she managed to pluck up the courage to say somthing.

"Forget about it. "

The intruder had laughed " So first you stolen my Time Portal and discuise bracelett and now you say that I can't even take your child out on a date?" He shaken his head in shame in a mocking way.

"She's my child and Ava isn't going to go anywhere with you" Mother lowly growled .

" I see, I see, well then. When you get to the gates of hell, tell them that Yondu had sent ya" He said . He had perched his lips to whistle again in a higher pitch then before.

The dart was fast as it had dug right into my mothers skin right inbetween her two eyes. There wasn't any blood at all as it had slipped right past her head. She had her eyes closed when she had dropped to the ground with a loud thud. I had looked down and knelt next to her getting the loose strands out of her face not trying to get my sobs too loud so Yondu could hear.

My mother was gone just like that.

And just over some stupid bracelett that I was given on my birthday two years ago. She had given it to me after my father went to bed. She was wise as she known that my Father would freak out if he seen it and would hoard it.

But she knew that I wanted to change the world.

Yondu had walked over to me then had glanced at the bracelett that he desired. He made it clear that he would rip it off of my hand if he had to by the look I was getting from him. I wouldn't doubt that he could take out the bloody dart to kill me as well.

"How about you give me that bracelett and you wont get hurt" He offered opening his hand with a frown.

I had looked down at the bracelett then had covered it up with my hand. Yondu had sighed loudly.

"Come on sweet heart don't make me bring out the dart again"

"How about you get your ass out of my house!" My father roared from the doors entrence.

I opened my eyes from the slightest movement of Drax's arm.

When I had told him that he could sleep next to me, I didn't think that he would wrap his arm around me and cuddle me like a dog. He had told me that he wanted to because he knew that I was getting a few dirty looks from other men that he claimed that were ten times stronger then I was. Even though I had claimed over and over again that I was going to be fine, he insisted.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz