Chapter Two : Busted

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Ronan's P.O.V : Hours Earlier....

The photo's of pure beauty that runs through it's veins. The photo of a human crying out for pain a fragile being being slain by one of my men. My soldier had used the paper I given him to provide me a photo of the last look on the humans face.

You may ask what he used as paint.

I used his blood. Simple yet deadly to show my enemies. I am not a Cree that shouldnt be messed with.

My fingers snapped as I ordered a soldier to put up my new piece of art. The photo would look rather nice in my chambers above my bed, but I didn't tell him that. It's up to the man where it had looked nice.

It may seem that I have all that I need. I am rich and a excellent leader to the Cree and a good looking one I might add. Quite a few of us are quite unattractive.

My life however isn't complete . I need to find emotion, somene to find love and feelings with. I may slain countless men on the battle feild, but that doesn't mean that I will be lonely.

I have been searching everyday through out the galaxy to find the image of the perfect girl through my cameras around the planets. There have been a few that caught my eyes, but when I approach them, they startle off and call me a killer.

Can you imagine that? Me a killer? Please I am a murderer! I kill people for the fun of it and for the pleasure of Thanos. Death is more then a friend to me, it's my ally.

I had snapped again to await the images that my computer had caught. Everyday the computer poscesses the photos that I recieve and works hard to keep them in line. I always do this every morning to be honest. It is like a human's paper.

The images come before me as I place my hand up to prepare to swipe the photos. The first one was a Midgardain with darker skin and blue eyes. I motioned my eyes to where she was and her interests. She likes fishing, hunting and art.  I guess that she seems alright. I motioned my finger to the next photo.

She was beauitful. Pale skin with her white hair as white as the clouds. She also had brown eyes  and the reddest lips. The photo was of her in Xandor with a man with similar features with beady glasses. The Collector was the man standing next to the beauty.

Her name is Ava Tivan. That makes it clear that it's the collectors daughter. But that is only a bonus onto her, she is wealthy and attractive.Her interests are helping others , singing and clubbing. Her perfered weapon of choice is the knife. She has never killed anyone.

I have to meet this woman.

Soon. I will see her soon. I must warn Gamora that she is to also fetch her for me while she brings back the Orb. No matter what the cost.

I had called out her name outloud. She had arrived in the room a few moments after looking up to me in her battle outfit. My body stood up from my chair as I began to walk down the stairs.

"Konan . What is it?"

I froze on the last step and then smiled. I placed my finger on the hologram then spun it around so Gamora can clearly see Ava's face. Her eyes seemed focoused on her.

"Gamora, I want you to fetch me Ava Tivan as well as the Orb"

She had muttered somthing under her lips . I couldn't hear it at all it was so silent.

"What did you say?" I continued.

"Nothing, It's just that she's the Guardian. I have heard of her powers on saving many lives. I know that she's powerful. She might just not agree with your motives."

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now