Chapter Twelve: Kill Him

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Ava's P.O.V

As I had walked down the halls, of the once feared ship, I never felt so safe. I was with my friends who were here to protect me . Drax had kept to my side watching and making sure that Frey didn't fall out of my arms. I didn't need it, but it was nice that he was helping me.

The plan was simple. Get the orb without getting caught, Kick Ronans ass and get me out of here.

Wait, its easy to say but hard to get accomplished because of the way we work. Things are going to get more hard since I don't have any free hands with my newborn. But I am going to live a little bit longer because of this, I know that I am.

Drax had put his arm on my waist as he had kept me in balance . He had wanted to be sure that I can easily make it easily back to the shelter .

But I wanted to be there to help, but I couldn't because of the baby in my hands. The king had to live, so I guess that was a job.

"So we have our lucky team, the assasian, the common theif, a muscular hunk, the tree hugger, and the dumb blond..." The racoon chanted.

"EXCUSE ME!" I had warned. I gotten offended by the way he had said that and Drax, Gamora and Peter had stopped as Groot kept on walking.

"What ? It's not like your too much of help here. You just had a baby" The rodent said.

" But, she has been with someone before and she is left with a child" Drax had told him smiling lightly.

"Isn't it a bit too much for you to be with a girl who just given birth? " The Racoon added.

"I am groot!" The tree had added and all of us had nodded in agreement even when we had no idea what he had said to us. But we had only thought that he had agreed with us.

"SEE! " I had pointed out.

"Keep your voices down! We don't want to get caught. That would be the worst right now!" The rodent warned his ears went back and revealed his teeth to me.

"Why not? We are going to be killing them anyways!" Drax had pointed out.

We had heard the sound of blades being pulled out from behind us. We had met the eyes of Herc. His head was down with his white hair hanging down in his face. His dark eyes were staring at me. There was a new type of anger that was part of him that wasn't there before.

He wasn't going to be the head elder with a look like that .

"Ava, come on! We cant just stand here! " Drax had said holding onto my back with his hands. He had going to get me the hell out of there, but I had smiled lightly at him to imply something.

I didn't want to leave him alive.

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now