Chapter Six : Into Eternity

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Three days Later....

Each day things get more and more easier. For example I can sleep better now . The noise of the fans aren't annoying me at all. There is less snoring the room now, or I must becoming a deeper sleeper then before.

I wake up less often now and get up later then the other prisioneers. I had gotten up later then expected of most prisoneers.

I always find Drax with Star lord, Rocket , Groot and Gamora . They are starting to get closer and closer to me, even though they had harmed me before. But we had gotten our facts and understanding straight. Gamora had tried to kidnap me and steal the orb, Rocket and Groot had wanted to abduct Star Lord, While he had wanted to keep it, not knowing what power it holds.  The main thing however is that things are going well for me .

We always talk about the same thing every day : to escape from here. Clearly that's the first thing on our minds as we are here for either the rest or a huge gap of our life times. Even though I get to live for the rest of my life , I am able to see that it's pretty bad for my friends. But I know that it's not likely that I am going to get bailed out by my father.

He would have done it by now. I mean I am the only piece of his sanity left ever since mom died. Everyone makes mistakes, even though he might see this as a disgrace of his family. I see it as a way for him to see who I really am. I am not a good girl like he always thought that I was.He had seen me as a replacement of someone that he had lost now. My mother was his other half, and now he wanted to leave me here .

But I have been feeling something ever since my husband died.

To be around someone who really cares for you . Drax has been taking care of me more and more everyday now. He seems to be like a counciler to me, we both lost someone in our lives. He is concerned over the health of the baby . Even though we have been talking for only three  days.

Drax cleared his throat to get my attention. I had met contact with his blue eyes then gave my attention to him, Sweet and kind was what his eyes reflected to me for a strange reason. He was a killer, but he really was a teddy bear on the inside.

"Ava, "

"Hm? "

Drax had stuttered a bit before continueing to speak to me " Ava, ..."

Peter had sat beside me and lent into the view of Drax and began to tease him for his poor speech towards me .   " Drax , you should know that this girl you are talking to is very wealthy and attractive who is currently single . Choose you words wisely if you want to date her"

Drax had merely growled at him " Star freak I am warning you..."

Gamora had bitten her lip glancing at me trying to not get involved in this conversation. Any more of this could make her serously want to yell ontop of her lungs. She didn't want to talk about sexual attraction, she wanted to get out of here before any of those things could happen to her.

Rocket and Groot were just sitting watching. Rocket was smiling widely as he had chuckled a bit enjoying what he was seeing at the moment. Groot had simplily stood confussed on what was going on.

"Ass hole," I muttered adressing to Peter. He turned his head then back away from my view of Drax. I had seen him with his eyes lighten up at me placing his hand on his chin as he had gotten more interested.

"You , princess of Asgard, had just called me a ass hole. Isn't that in the rule book to not use inapropriate language?" He said.

"I dont find it as a inapropriate time at all. I find the word to suit you very well".

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum