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Jerry[M.Pire]- sad and mystical

Because my heart is a broken heart

I can't let you go like this, what now?

Even if I look shaky and dangerous

I can only hold you in, what now?

I love you (I'm sure you do too) I won't do it (you will do it)

I will do it, I'm only gonna look at you

Please stay here, I'm asking you a favor, I'll treat you better, I can't let you go yet

I must live, I must survive, cause I will stop some day

This place is a paradise only if you're here

A paradise that has locked you in against your will

A sad paradise that you won't go if you're awake

A paradise that we can be together forever, oh

I can only watch you while holding my breath

I can only do so cause it might break

You look at me (you probably will) you don't look (you will)

You look at me and it hurts

Please stay here, I'm asking you a favor, I'll treat you better, I can't let you go yet

I must live, I must survive, cause I will stop some day

Every night, I filled me with you

Yeah, now I have to fill it with alcohol, time

The arm that wrapped, the panting night

The best paradise, without you it's a hopeless world

I'm gonna hold you in a little longer, I'm gonna look at you a little more

Until my heart cools off a little more

I must live even without you, but right now, I need you

Jerry slammed another empty glass on the counter of the bar. "What's the point?" he thought. "Why have powers when you can't save those you love?" Again, your face flashed through his mind. Another tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ah, a broken heart," the bartender commented as he poured out Jerry another bottle of beer. "What is it this time? A breakup? Someone cheat one you?"

"Death," Jerry answered, bitterness dripping from his voice.

The bartender's eyes widened and he nodded in understanding. "Death is a hard thing boy. But I heard you mention that you had powers. What kind of powers?"

"I can travel inbetween demensions. But what use is that when you can't protect your wife from cancer?"

The bartender was silent for awhile, thinking. "Ya know boy, I think I do know a man who might be able to help you. Let me go get him." The bartender left and returned with a young man by his side.

The young man had bright red hair, ashen skin, and dark, sinister eyes. He had an evil-looking beauty about him and he smirked at Jerry. "Is this him?" The redhead asked the bartender.

"He's the one," the bartender replied. "I'll leave you two to your business." He poured the redhead a drink and left to tend to some customers further down the counter.

The redhead took a swig of his drink before fulling looking at Jerry, with that same smirk plastered onto his face. "So," he began. "If I understand correctly, your wife died from cancer?" Jerry nodded. "Intresting..." the redhead mused while staring at his glass and swirling around the liquid a bit. "By the way, you can call me Red."

"Okay Red. How can you help me?"

"Well, you'll mostly be helping yourself. That little power of yours will come in handy real well."

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me ask you one question Jerry." Jerry shivered, finding it strange that Red knew his name. Red smiled at him. A wicked, yet lovely smile. "Are you willing to make a deal with the devil?"

Jerry's face hardened as he realized who he was speaking with. "The Reaper," he grumbled, glaring at Red.

"Oh no!" Red chuckled. "I perfer Red. The Reaper is much to dramatic. That's so last century. I'm more laid back now. So, what do you say Jerry? Deal? Or no deal?"

Jerry nodded once, his cold gaze piercing into Red's skull. "If that's what it takes to have ______ back."


Jerry stood there, inbetween the reality he created for you, and the one he came from. You couldn't see him, but he watched everything you did. The way you slowly walked through the empty world, dead grass and fallen leaves crunching underneath your bare feet. How your pale, slim fingers gently ran across the dusty keys of the broken piano. How your soft hair flowed gently in the tiny breeze you created when you walked. How your lifeless eyes studied the lifeless world around you.

That was the deal he had made with the devil. Jerry selfishly pulled you out of heaven and placed you in this dimension alone, just so he could watch you, and feel close to you. But he had promised to never make himself known to you. To never touch you. He had you locked away in a sad paradise against your will for eternity. And when he dies, it all will not have been worth it. You'll stay in that relm alone, forever. And your silent admirer will fade away. He knows this, and yet, he just stands and watches, wondering why he chose what he did. His lesson: Never make a deal with the devil when you're drunk and depressed.

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