Orange Nailpolish -Sunny&Jessica[Girl's Generation]

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Orange Nailpolish

Sunny&Jessica[Girl's Generation]- cute&funny

You weakly knocked on the dorm door. Unfortunately, your knock was so weak that noone heard you. You knocked again, but there was still nothing. You were really nervous. Not only were you an extreme introvert, but you were also about to walk into the dorm of one of the world's most famous female, kpop groups.

You closed your eyes and planned to hit the door ten times harder than before. But you didn't end up hitting the hard wood of a door. Instead, you hit the soft flesh of a human face. You ended up looking into the glaring face of an angry Jessica. "Mianhe," you croaked.

"What the heck!" she shrieked as she grabbed you by the hair. "Why are you hitting my face? Are you one of those fans? Scurry back to the dung hole that you crawled out of!"

You covered your face and tried hard not to cry. You heard the other members run over, and some of them tried to calm Jessica down. Finally, Jessica let go and you stood up from the place you had fallen on the ground. After the girls made sure that Jessica was fine, they all looked at you. "Hi," you whispered as you waved akwardly.

"Hey girl!" Sunny exclaimed as she ran over and hugged you. Jessica shot her a scary death glare, but she ignored it. "Girls, I want you to meet my little cousin, ____-ah!"

Everyone except Jessica crowded around you and started asking you questions. Jessica just huffed and walked off. You felt bad, but there was nothing you could do to go back.

*A few days later*

Jessica is still angry with you. It's almost been a week and she is still giving you the cold shoulder. "Unnie," you whine to Sunny. "I don't know what to do! She hates me! I just know it!"

"Oh calm down," Sunny told you. "I'm sure that she's just tired or something. She'll come around eventually." This didn't help you at all. "Say, what's your favorite color?" she asked you.

"Um, orange. You know that! Why?"

"I happen to have orange nailpolish! Do you wanna paint your nails?"

Sunny seemed excited so you agreed. She grabbed your hand and dragged you into Jessica's room. "Why are we in here?" you asked, confused.

"Well, actually," Sunny said in a funny voice. She was avoiding eye contact. "I don't really have any, but I don't think Jessica would mind if we borrowed some!"

"No! Then she would hate me more! I shouldn't even be in here!"

You tried to escape but Sunny pulled you back and and slammed the door. "It will be fine _____-ah! Don't you trust me?"

You shook your head and pouted. You stared at your orange shoes and refused to look up until you felt something wet on your nose. You looked up just in time to see Sunny quickly pull the nailpolish brush quickly away.

You ran over to a mirror and saw the bright, orange stripe on your nose. "Sunny!" you yelled as you tried to rub it off. It was not coming off! Sunny laughed until she was lying on the floor with tears streaming down her face. "Give me that!" you yelled as you tackled her and tried to grab the brush.

The both of you were laughing and rolling around on the floor. Sunny skillfully kept the brush away from your reach. But you were stubborn, and that didn't keep you from trying. Neither of you stopped, not even when the sound of breaking glass filled your ears and nailpolish splattered all over you. It only made you try harder.


Both of you stopped. You had Sunny pinned to the ground but her long arms kept the brush out of reach. Jessica stood in the doorway, her face a dark mask of anger. She looked around at the mess. A broken bottle of orange nailpolish and orange everywhere. "What the heck?" she hissed.

"She s-started it," you stuttered. Sunny started to giggle and you tried hard not to smile. You were both covered in nailpolish.

"You know that this stuff doesn't come out, right?" Jessica asked.

The both of you nodded. Jessica strode over, snatched the brush from Sunny's hand, put a quick stripe on Sunny's nose, and ran out of the room. "Catch me if you can!" she called over her shoulder.

Both you and Sunny sat in shocked silence for a moment before getting up and chasing Jessica all around the dorm. By the end of the day, there was orange, purple, blue, and red, nailpolish decorateing almost every corner of the house.

And you had made a new best friend.

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