Spell -Zelo[B.A.P]

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Zelo[B.A.P.] - romantic&mystical

You slid the paper door back and choked on the dust that blasted in your face. After the dust settled, you peered into the room. There was the piano, just as promised. You crossed over and pulled the moth eaten cloth off to reveal a beautiful baby grand.

You gasped, taken by the darkness of its beauty. You sat down and placed your fingers gently on the keys. Clear, bright notes filled the room, and you smiled. From there, you began to play. Whatever came to mind, it would be presented perfectly by the lovely sounds that came from the piano. It was like you and the intrument were one.

You didn't know how long you sat there playing, but when you finally stopped, you realized that someone was sitting next to you.

His head was resting on your shoulder and he was asleep. You looked to see that it was him. The school's king. Zelo.

You panicked and jumped up. Zelo slumped forward and his face was buried in the piano keys with a terrible sound. You cringed. But Zelo didn't wake up.

He turned his head over and mumbled, "____-ah, I love you."

Your hands flew to your mouth. Did he really love you? You, the mute girl?

You weren't sure what to do with him, so you shook him until he woke up. He blinked, his cute, sleepy eyes making you smile. He smiled back at you. Then he cupped your face in his hands and kissed

"I love you," he whispered. "So stop running from me."

You felt a weird feeling in your throat. You stepped back and Zelo smiled grimly. You grabbed your neck as it began to burn. You fell, writhing on the floor, and Zelo ran to your side. Before you blacked out, you heard Zelo saying, "It's okay! You'll be okay _____! Just don't let go!"


You opened your eyes slowly. Zelo's upside down face was looking at you with concern. You realized that your head was resting on his lap. You sat up quickly, your cheeks growing crimson.

"Are you okay?" he asked. You nodded. "Try talking!"

You looked at him in confusion. He knew that you couldn't talk, so why was he telling you to? Was he teasing you like everyone else? "Try! Please! For me!"

You frowned, but figured that it wouldn't hurt to try anyways. Remembering the strange burning feeling from before, you parted your lips and rasped, "Zelo?" Your eyes grew wide at the sound of your own voice.

Zelo's smile was huge as he jumped up and did a victory dance. He grabbed your hands and pulled you up to dance with him. He stopped and hugged you tight to his chest, causing you to blush. "B-but, how?" you asked, happy, but still confused.

"I used a spell to bring you voice back." He was obviously proud of himself.

"So you're a magician now?"

"Nope." He had this strange twinkle in his eyes. "I'm a wizard. And you're gonna be the wizard's wife." You laughed and he cut off your laugh by kissing you.

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