Soldier Song -Kris[EXO]

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Soldier Song

Kris[EXO]- really, really, really sad

Dedicated to: sysalmah99


You were stirring the sticky honey into your tea. It was dissolving too slowly and was making you angry. You huffed in frustration.

Someone wrapped their arms around you and rested their chin on your head. "And what is wrong with my lovely wife this morning?"

You wrinkled your nose and tried not to smile. "My honey won't melt into my tea." You pouted to keep from smiling.

"Aww," Kris said. "Then maybe you shouldn't have let it cool so long."

"Maybe." You turned in his arms so you could face him. Your huge belly kept you a good distance from him. "Then again, maybe I just wanted to cuddle with you more before you leave."

"Don't make me feel any worse than I have to. I already feel bad about leaving you right before he is supposed to come." Now Kris was pouting.

"How do you know it's a boy?"

"I just know." He winked and started singing as he rocked you back and forth. The baby started kicking, just like it always did when Kris sang to you. Kris ended the song with a long and gentle kiss on your forehead. "I love you ____."

"I know." Just then the door bell rang. Kris groaned and you clutched his shirt. "No, don't go!" you screamed.

"It won't be that bad," Kris assured you as he forcefully pulled you off of him. "I'll write and visit, I promise!"

"No! No!" you sobbed as you shook your head. The doorbell rang again.

"I have to go. I love you! And I love our son."


"Child." Kris smiled and walked away. You watched sadly as he left you. What if he never came back?


You woke up sobbing and saying, "No! No! No!"

Somewhere in Canada...

She looked the out the window. She pressed her burning forehead against the ice cold glass. She always got a headache when she cried. Her husband came and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You shouldn't do this to yourself."

She looked up at his gray face. "It's only once a year."

"Don't grieve too hard. You might hurt yourself," he warned. He handed her the flowers and she walked out into the cold, winter wind.

Her husband watched her leave, then he sadly sat down at his computer. He wrote poems. That was his form of grieving, so he would let her do her own way. But he was still worried.

Another place in Canada...

You stepped off the plane. Kevin looked around and back at you. Those large, almond-colored eyes sent a pang through your heart. "So this is the place that daddy grew up?" he asked in his sweet, five-year-old voice.

You nodded sadly. "Yes, it is."

"It's cold," he complained.

"I know," you said as you wrapped your arms around him.

"Where are we going?" Kevin asked as the two of you walked towards a train station.

"We're going to visit your grandparents."

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