"Fuck!!" I mouthed.

"Shut it i am your cousin. How is one semester and vacation without going home?"
Earth nagged at me.

"I was to go home tomorrow."i said.

"Perfect." He said.
But his hands are on his waist like a mom nagging.

"We just send Dome back to his dorm and we have not seen you, your parents asjed us to pick you up on our way home so let's go big guy."

"Wait my things." I protested.

"Q0 minutes big guy! All you need is your charger phone gadgets and accessories, you are going home it is impossible if you do not have any clothes.  8 minutes. Big guy."

"Shut up Earth i am coming just give me fucking minutes" i groaned.

"Big guy you gotta hurry." He said.

"Six minutes."
He shouts in the living room while i grab my laptop back back and placed my ipod and charhpgers there.

My phone is still on my pocket i just grabbed my ear pods.
My wallet.
My keys.

I get out of the room and Earth is on the door.

Is ecured my bike and lock everything. Then ride on my cousin's family van.

"Hi Pavel" the famiky dirver said.

I waiid and smile at him.

"Hello uncle." I siad.

Then we went off.

On the road i texted Leam and tbe rest that i am on my way home and the thing is i have no idea when will i get back but aue i will be bavk before classes starts again.

Enjoy your vacation-Leam.

Yeah we will watch over him we who stays in the dorm, by the way he arrived from 1 week vacation.- Vee.

We can see him tomorrow. It is their enrollment Gun askd me to acompany him. -Bar.

Hevae something when yoh get back. We will taje care of evrything back here.- Cooper.

"Thanks guys."

Earth is silent on the road.

The whole freaking 3 hours ride they are silent.

"When we reachednour town.
"Earth i do not lije it when you are this silent." I said.

"I so not wnat to spoil the punishment that awaits you back home." He said.

"What the hell on Earth did i do? That heavens punishes me?" I aksed.

"One question, why did Dome wnet home alone?" Earth aksed.

"I did not even knkw he went home." I said.

He said.


I promise to protect him and bring him back thkse semester break.

"Fuck!" I said.

"Now you remember." Earth said.

His phone rings.

He looked at me.

"Yes auntie" he said and eyes locked on me.

"Yes, he is." He said and rolled his eye.

"Okay see you." He then sighed.

The road we take is to Dome's family house.

"Shit" i mouthed.

Tge gates opened and the house doors are open.

We went down from the car and Mom came to welcome us.

"Thank you Earth for bbringing your cousin and ofcourse to you." She said.

"Come son" she held my hand.
She holds on my arms and we walk into the house where evryone is waiting for me.

My Mae and Por looked at me.

But no questiins asked.


"It is tea time" Mom announced. We moved to the garden.

As they have their tea.

And root beer for me and Earth.

Mom sit by my side.

"Son, you promised me" she said sad.

"I am sorry Mom. It just.." i sighed.

How can itell them, how can i explain.

"Dome is silent don't be" she said.

Time to break the heart of the family.
Two families mag i say.

"Okay i will tell you folks." I said.

"Pavel will tell us now." Kom announced.

All eyes on me.

I stand.

"Dome and i are not that updated anymore." I sighed them ti keep quiet first.
"Please Mom, Dad, Por Mae, k wik answer questiins layer. But hera me first." I said.

"We all want him to grow, i do, i really do. As much as i want to hold him tight, but he he cannot spread his wings if i hold on him. So i libe outside the university. The things is. One day we atlked and he said. He wants to give me my life back. He said he was ..." ommy why am i crying?

I wipe my tears.

Cleared my troat.

"He said. He was holding away my happiness, and i had sacrifices a lot for him. The guilt in his eyes and sadness in his face, made me just nood and leave and gave the suplicate of his key to the dorm master."

Mom who stands beside me hugs me.

"Dome is right you gave a lot to him and i think it is time. To let you do what you want." She said.

"Son, we thank you for everything you have done wigh ohr Dome." Ad said and hugged me.

"I love him Dad more than best friend more than sinling. I love him" i whispered as he hug me.

"I know. And thank you" he said.

Mom also hugged me.

Mae and Por came to pick me in a hug.

No words and it is comforting.

Our tea time became a bittersweet flash back for me. As our parents reminish our childhood.
It was like yesterday. That Dome and i where here with them having fun.

It was like yesterday when i say goodbye to them Dome was with his parents waving at us. But now only his parents stands there.

"You really love him" Earth said.

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