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 "Of course it is Kat! We're all family and I would love to know what you're so excited about. She bit her lip nervously, then motioned for Sam to come over. The rest of the guys followed, gathering around us. Colby came and sat next to me on the little lounging futon we had out there. "So what's up?" he asked. Sam took her hand, noticing that she was nervous. "Well, we have our own little announcement," he replied, smiling at her. She placed her hands on her belly and smiled at me. "Surprise," she said, in an unsure voice and a shy smile. "NO!" I yelled out in shock. "WHAT?! Oh my God Kat! How far along?" Everyone started talking at once and I couldn't make out who was saying what. Eventually Sam yelled, and got everyone to quiet down. "I'm ten weeks too T. Our babies are going to be growing up side by side." I felt the tears well up in my eyes, and placed my fingers against my mouth. "Our own little Sam and Colby," I cried, then stood up and rushed to her side so that I could hug her. My pregnancy went better than most, I think. I was rarely sick, and it usually passed pretty quickly. By the time I was 5 months, I no longer had morning sickness. I was barely even showing. By the time I was 8 months, that all changed. I couldn't see my feet for the humongous stomach that was in the way. My feet were swollen, forcing me to wear slides all of the time. While I had gotten some really cute maternity clothes, I was too miserable to worry about how I looked. Colby was wonderful though. He made sure to tell me how beautiful I was every day. I knew he was lying because I could see myself in the mirror. I looked a wreck. Dirty hair wrapped up in a bun because I couldn't be bothered with it. The same clothes that I had been wearing for the last two days, simply because it wore me out to change. I was starting to really miss the way I was before getting pregnant. I didn't regret it, but I really missed that girl. At least she always had clean hair, and didn't usually wear dirty clothes. Colby didn't seem to mind though. He would always rub my belly and talk to our little one. We had found out that we were to have a little girl. Kat and Sam were having a little boy, and we daydreamed about them growing up together. We had our baby showers together, and all of the guys and girls attended. We had everything we could think of to be ready for our babies arrival. As Sam's birthday drew nearer, the bigger Katrina and I got. I honestly thought that someone could just poke me with a pin and I would explode. The skin across my stomach was stretched so tightly, stretch marks were inevitable. It didn't matter how much cocoa butter I used, or any other 'miracle cream,' they still happened. When I tried to hide them in embarrassment, Colby dropped to his knees and started kissing each one. He told me how beautiful they were and how they were a mark of my strength and pride for carrying our daughter. Then he massaged my feet for an hour until I fell asleep. I don't know that I would have been able to make it through the pregnancy without him. Katrina went into labor two days before Sam's birthday. I tried to go, but Colby insisted that I stay home and rest. I think that he didn't want me in a hospital full of germs until it was necessary. That, or he saw how winded I got from waddling to the bathroom and just assumed that I wouldn't be able to handle it. I probably couldn't but I hated to miss the birth of their baby. I wanted to be there. Colby kept calling me and checking in on me, while keeping me up to date on what was happening. After about ten hours, he called me to let me know that they had a beautiful baby boy with a head full of dark hair with bright blue eyes. They had named him Caleb Douglas Golbach and he was perfect in every way. "You should see his tiny little fingers T. When I stroked his little hand, they closed around my finger with such a strong grip. Kat says that babies can't smile, but I'm telling you, little Caleb smiled at me. He already loves his Uncle Colby." I grinned, listening to him be so excited. "I can't wait until our little girl is here T. I'm going to spoil  you both so incredibly much. I love you sweetheart." "I love you Colby," I answered, then ended the call. I got to see baby Caleb four day's after he was born, the day after he came home from the hospital. I automatically fell in love with his clear blue gaze that reminded me so much of Sam. I could see the little dimple in the corner of his cheek, near his mouth. Just like his father's. "You know he looks just like Sam, right?" I said to Katrina, keeping my eyes on baby Caleb. It was like I couldn't look away. "I know," she sighed happily. "Ooo, I need to go pee. Think you can help me up? Quickly," I said, clamping my legs together as my bladder tried to attack me. She put the baby down in his Pak-N-Play, then stood and helped me up. "Jesus T. How much is this kid gonna weigh?" she said, struggling to pull me up. "Shut up," I huffed out, trying to push myself. "I swear to God, I'm gonna piss myself." I made it to the bathroom just in time, and felt total relief when my bladder was finally empty. I made my way slowly back to the living room, and sank back down onto the couch next to Katrina, who was now feeding baby Caleb. We talked a little while longer, then I shifted uncomfortably, and felt a wetness in between my legs. Did I really piss myself without even realizing it? 

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