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"Hey, it'll be okay. I'm staying home this weekend, regardless of what the network says. So, we'll have all weekend to ourselves," Colby replied quietly, pressing his lips to the side of my head. I did like the sound of that. All weekend, with no one to interrupt us? No one to talk shit about us being too loud? Oh yeah, definitely liking this idea. "Guys, I'm gonna stay home this weekend. Sam, if the network can't deal with one more week of us not traveling, then it's not something I want to be tied down with. If they can't understand the situation, we don't need them," Colby said, looking at Sam. Sam opened his mouth to say something, then glanced at me. His shoulders moved with his heavy sigh. "Okay. You're right. Terra is more important and if they can't give us one more week, then we already know that they won't work with us on anything, including creativity." Colby nodded at him, and grinned. "Thanks brother." Sam nodded, but otherwise didn't acknowledge Colby's thanks, because it wasn't needed. Colby knew that Sam would always be there for him, just like Sam knew that Colby would always be there for him. "Okay, we really need to get going though," Sam replied, motioning for Colby to go get his things. "Oh yea. I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek, then walked towards the back door. "Okay, I guess that means that we can go on our trip!" Sarah said, sitting down in Brennen's lap. He laughed, and wrapped his arm around her waist. "I guess so. Can't wait." "Sam, are you sure this is going to be okay? I hate for you guys to miss out on this opportunity because of something for me. I can always find someone else to sit with me. Hell, I can take care of myself!" Sam looked at me, and smiled reassuringly. "T, it's fine. If they want us bad enough, this won't be a problem. It's just an extra week. Besides, we don't even know when they want us to start traveling so it might not even be an issue. Don't worry about it. We got this. Okay? Trust me." I stared back into his bright blue eyes, and a calm washed over me. He was right. Sam had a charisma about him that enabled him to calm others down, and sometimes even talk someone into something that they originally wouldn't agree with. I had watched it happen. I remember the first time, and how it blew my mind. Sam, Colby, and Denise were with me one day, helping with physical therapy. Denise wasn't supposed to be there, but she got off of work early. I was tired. So tired, and my body was aching but I was determined to push myself and get those last two leg presses in. "That's enough for today," Denise had said, walking into the gym. I shook my head, and took a few deep breaths. My body was screaming with pain. "Come on T. You're hurting. You don't need to prove anything," she said softly, walking up to me and putting her hand on my shoulder. I shook my head again, fighting the tears that felt like coming because of the pain and frustration. "Terra, baby girl, it's okay. You've done great today. You don't have to do this," Colby chimed in, his voice, usually so soothing to me, just pissed me off. I didn't need to be placated. I needed to meet my fucking goal. Just then Sam kneeled down in front of me. "T, do you need to do this? I met his gaze and nodded, taking a shaky breath as one tear escaped my eyes. "Are you sure that you won't injure yourself and make things worse? It's good to push yourself, but it's not okay to cause more damage. So I'm asking again, do you absolutely NEED to do this?" I calmed myself, looking into his eyes, and thought about it. Was my body going to receive more damage because I did this exercise two more times? No, I didn't think that it would. "Yes," I said, my voice determined. Both Denise and Colby spoke up. "T, no, I don't think it's a good idea." "Terra, maybe you should stop while you're ahead. Don't push yourself so hard." I ignored them and started in on the next leg press. "Guys, she'll be okay. Don't you trust her? Put yourself in her place. She gets treated like a child, always being told what she can and can't do, constantly having someone by her side, never able to be alone, unless she's in her bed, and even then, people are constantly checking on her. Trust her." I paused, listening to what he was saying. He was right. I had never said any of that to anyone, besides saying I was frustrated. How did he see so much about a person? I expected Denise to argue with him, to prove her point, but she didn't. She was quiet for a moment, then sighed. "Okay. You're right. Just please be careful T," she said to me. "I trust you." I smiled and pushed myself for the last leg press, having found a new burst of energy. "You did it! I knew you could," Sam said, as Colby held his hand out to me, to help me up, with a big grin on his face. "I did, didn't I?" I said, giggling, proud of myself. So, the first time that I saw Sam work his charisma in person, was when he used it on Denise. My bullheaded best friend, who usually didn't sway in her opinions at all. I was impressed. I grinned thinking of that time, and settled more comfortably into my chair, confident that they would handle it. An entire weekend with Colby sounded amazing. I wasn't healed but I was loads better. I could walk alone, just had to do it carefully. I could obviously do other...things, but I would need this soreness to calm down first. An entire week should be plenty of time for me to recharge, and go in for seconds. I had been deprived of being with Colby for three years. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now