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We have that meeting about the Netflix series," Sam replied, ducking his head inside the backdoor. "He stepped on some broken glass pieces, so he went to the bathroom for the First Aid Kit. I'll let him know," I answered him. He nodded, and ducked back out. "Guess we should get out there too. There's actually something that Kenzie and I need to work out as well," Denise said, grabbing her plate. Elias looked at me, shrugged, then followed her out. I sighed when everyone left the kitchen and leaned against the island, watching my friends through the glass doors. They didn't even realize how lucky they all were, to simply be able to sit or walk without pain, without worrying that you were going to relapse because they couldn't deal with the pain. I shook the negative thoughts from my mind, as Colby walked back into the kitchen, shoes on his feet. He lifted one foot up towards me when he caught my eye. "Shoes on ma feet!" I laughed and shook my head. "Come on, you dork. Let's go outside and eat. Sam said you guys need to leave soon because of the meeting about the Netflix series." We finished making our plates, and he took mine out of my hands, leaving me to open and close the door behind us. He made sure to walk next to me, not rushing or complaining about my slow progression. I really did love this idiot. "Hey, it's about damn time! We thought you guys had went back to bed. Maybe wanted to see if we could hear you from out here? I'm thinking probably, since Sarah's room is on the second floor, and we still heard you." I glared at Brennen, as I sat down in one of the available chairs under the canopy. "Well, if you had paid more attention to Sarah, maybe you would have been able to hear her," I replied smartly, winking at Sarah. "Ohhh shiit," Elias said, throwing his arm around Denise, with a comfortable ease, that surprised me. I wondered what had maybe happened between them last night. Usually, Denise didn't sleep with anyone that soon. She took her time to get to know a person, because sex meant more to her than just having fun. I was the same way, so I understood. Brennen's mouth dropped open, as everyone else started laughing. "Brother, do you need some ice for that burn?" Sam asked, holding a glass of ice towards him, leftover from his own drink. "Oh shut the fuck up, Sam," he muttered, as his darker complexion showed a slight blush in his cheeks. Guess he didn't get lucky after all. Sarah stood up, and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her lips to his cheek. "It's okay baby, you show me plenty of attention. If you didn't, I wouldn't still be with you." She pressed her lips to his, while I laughed at the stunned expression on his face. "Okay, okay. Colby, you about finished? We have to meet these guys in two hours, and you know how long it takes you to get ready. You haven't even showered yet brother," Sam complained, motioning with his hand, Colby's mussed hair, and clothes from yesterday. Colby looked up at him like he had grown two heads. "I was woken up like thirty minutes ago Sam. Someone didn't call me this morning to wake me up like they were supposed too." Sam ran his hands over his hair, fixing it like he and Colby always did. "Yeah, so I forgot. Either way, we need to be on time or before time would be even better. So let's hurry up, okay?" Colby rolled his eyes, and forked another bite of pancakes into his mouth. "Fawn," he replied, with his mouth full. Sam sighed, and went to sit back down next to Katrina, who leaned over and whispered in his ear. He closed his eyes for a second, then nodded, before looking back at Colby. "Sorry brother. I'm just nervous. Didn't mean to take it out on you." Colby, never one to hold a grudge, at least not with the people he loved the most, grinned at Sam and shrugged. "It's fine. I'm almost finished anyway. I'll go grab my things." We were using paper plates, so everyone just threw theirs in the outside trash. "Wait, we need to talk before everyone leaves," Denise interjected, having Colby turning back around. "What's up? Is everything okay?" Sam asked. "Yeah, everything is fine. Only, Kenzie and I need to go back, I mean, back to Georgia next weekend for graduation. My little brother, and her little sister are both graduating. We'll be gone all weekend, so I need someone to take over our shift with Terra." I rolled my eyes. "I don't need a fucking babysitter. I'm doing fine. I'm better. I'll be okay." I tried to sound convincing but given the fact that she had just seen me bust a glass because of the pain, I didn't try very hard. I knew it was a lost cause. She didn't even acknowledge me, besides giving me a passing glance that basically just told me to shut up and deal. So I did. I sat back and listened to everyone have plans, or things that they had to do, except me. "I'm not sure when we have to start traveling for the show, but we should find out at the meeting today," Sam replied, nodding at Colby. "I'll stay if I need too," Sarah said, earning a look from Brennen. "What? She's my best friend Bren. I can't just up and go off on a romantic getaway when she needs my help." He sighed. "I know...and that's part of the reason why I love you." I felt guilty. "Go. We'll figure something else out. Seriously. You guys deserve it," I told them. "Well, let's see if we can find out who's gonna be keeping you company first," Sarah said with a grin. I nodded, and looked away. I hated this so so much. 

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now