57 Colby's POV

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I saw her face flush, and felt that pride that I always got when I saw how I affected her. I was used to it, with the fans and stuff, but with her, it made me happy. "That's good to know," she replied, her voice a little rough. She cleared her throat and looked at Sam and Kat. "So, since most people are leaving this weekend, what are you guys gonna do? Any special plans?" Sam grinned, and pulled Kat to her feet. She giggled, when he nuzzled her neck, and kissed her cheek. "Not yet, but I'll think of something," Sam said. "Anybody home?" We all turned our heads towards Terra's open doorway, when we heard Denise call out. "Stop it Eli," she said laughing. I looked at T and lifted an eyebrow with a grin on my face. She met my gaze and shook her head. "We're in here Neece!" she yelled back. A laughing Denise walked in with my buddy Elias right behind her, his hands on her waist. He met my questioning gaze and shrugged, with a grin. "Well you guys seem to be getting along well," T said, wagging her eyebrows at Neece. "Yeah, we are," she said, leaning back into him, and looking up. "Wow, she must really like you. She didn't even tell me to mind my business," T told Eli, laughing. "I hope so," he replied, wrapping his arms all the way around her waist, and pulling her against him. "So what's up?" Neece asked. "How did the meeting go?" "It went great," I replied. "We start filming weekend after next. Here in California. The Queen Mary actually." "What?!" Terra shrieked, actually making me jump. "You didn't tell us that part!" She pouted and crossed her arms. "I wanna go," she muttered. I laughed and sat down next to her. "I promise to take you one day. When you're better." She rolled her eyes and grabbed one of the small decorative pillows that she kept on her bed, wrapping her arms around it. "At this point, it feels like I'm never going to be better." While T didn't usually complain about her situation, it did get to her sometimes. I couldn't blame her. It had already been like two months since her accident, I think, maybe more. I was honestly losing track. I reached up and pushed a lock of her hair that had fallen forwards, behind her ear, then nudged her chin so that she looked back up at me. "Hey, you are healing. You're already doing so much better." She shook her head, and sighed. "No, I'm doing worse now, just after one night of having fun. I hate this." She sighed, met my gaze, then looked down and started to play with the fringe on the pillow. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill the excitement with my pity party. I'm fine." She looked back up, and a big smile crossed her face, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "So, the Queen Mary? You guys haven't been there in years. Are you ready to go back?" I leaned forwards, and kissed her lips softly. "Thank you. I love you," I whispered in her ear, before leaning back and glancing at Sam. "I don't know," he laughed nervously, and ran his hand down the back of his hair. "We have to stay in room B340 again. Only it's been closed for two years. They're only opening it back up for us to film, because it'll be good advertisement for them. Plus, they're getting paid well for it." "Yeah, I don't know if I'm ready or not. The Queen Mary was kind of like our starting point for serious paranormal stuff on the duo channel. I guess it's only right that we start there for this. I gotta admit that I'm nervous though." I felt a chill run up my spine and shook it off. "Ooo I'm already getting chills." Sam laughed, pulling Kat against him, for comfort, I was assuming. "That sounds like fun though. We always meant to go to the Queen Mary, all four of us. We just never did. There was always something else going on, or one of us couldn't go. We didn't wanna go without all of us," Denise said, swaying side to side with Elias. "We should all go! Not this time, obviously, but soon. When you guys are done with the filming, we need to get everyone to go. That would be so much fun!" I had to agree that it did sound fun. My phone vibrated in my pocket so I pulled it out and checked it. "Hey, it's Jake. He said that they wanna come over. Is that cool?" I asked, looking in between Denise and T. They both nodded. "Of course it is. I'd love to see them," T answered. I grinned at her, thanking my lucky stars that she got on so well with my friends. Who was I kidding? Terra got along with most people. She was just that sweet and trusting in humanity. Breath of fresh air really. You didn't find too many people in LA who weren't jaded, and suspicious of others wanting to be your friend. No, she just took everyone in, and trusted them fully. Even when they gave her reason not too, she gave them second chances. I knew it could be rough out here though, and I really hoped that her trusting nature didn't get her hurt. I felt her move so I looked her way, and saw her pull out her phone. She started chewing her bottom lip, worrying it with her teeth. Something was up. "Hey, you okay?" I asked quietly. She looked up and met my gaze with her aqua one, and smiled. "Yeah. It's just Amber. I should call her. Can you get everyone to go out back or something so that I can talk to her? Oh and don't tell them. Denise would just get pissed." I nodded, and patted her leg. "Sure. I'll get them outside, then come back and check on you." I stood up and turned to my friends. "Hey, let's go outside and hang out by the pool. I think Terra is tired. Let's let her rest for a little while." 

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