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"Okay, what were you thinking about then? We've called your name 4 times before you actually answered us." She gave me a know it all look, while Denise just laughed. "I was thinking about how annoying you are," I retorted, winking at her. She gasped exaggeratedly and held her hand to her chest. "I'm hurt!" she exclaimed. "Drama queen," I replied, laughing at her as I threw a piece of my pizza crust at her. She shrieked and knocked it back with her hand. "Seriously, what were you thinking about? You were really in your own world for a few minutes. You good?" I nodded, and bit my lip in embarrassment. "Yeah, I'm good ... I was thinking about Colby." "I KNEW IT!" Sarah exclaimed, wiping her hands on a napkin. "I fucking told you guys but noooo, you didn't wanna believe me. I'm a very perceptive person. T has a certain look when she thinks about Colby. It's like her face goes all soft, and her eyes get all romantic and dreamy looking. She's like a love sick puppy or something. "I threw my entire pizza crust at her this time, making sure to catch her off guard so that the greasy food landed straight in her lap." Oh ew, "she said, picking it up and chucking it back at me. "Shut up!" I replied, laughing as I knocked the crust away from me. It flew back towards her, and she hit it in mid air, causing it to be knocked right at Brennen's head. bounced off the back of his hat and fell to the concrete. "Hey! "He exclaimed, pulling his hat off and shaking his hair out, as he checked the hat for grease stains. "Oh, stop," Sarah laughed at him, along with the rest of us. Denise turned the radio up, and got up to dance with a slice of pizza in her hand. Kenzie clapped her hands and got up to join her. I watched them shimmy and turn their bodies to the beat of the music. I ached to get up and join them. Instead, I turned my head towards Brennen and Sarah. Brennen was leaning over her, pressing his lips to hers, then leaning back with a smile that could only be described as pure love. They made me miss Colby, even though he was here earlier today. I hated the days that he wasn't able to come over. I missed him more than I should. I was never one to be wrapped up in someone completely and totally, but Colby was the exception. I didn't mind being wrapped up in him. Honestly, I missed being wrapped up in him in other ways too. "Terra!" I jumped at the sound of Sarah yelling my name. "What?!" I exclaimed, a little annoyed because she had caught me off guard again. "STOP THINKING ABOUT COLBY!" I rolled my eyes at her while she laughed. "Shut up Sarah. Honestly, if you weren't stuck up Brennen's ass all the time, you'd be thinking about him non-stop. Prove me wrong," I replied, raising my eyebrows at her. She tapped her finger against her chin and looked at Brennen, who was grinning. "Okay, you have a point," she answered. "I know," I laughed out. The rest of the day was so carefree, and relaxed. It really made me feel so much better. I couldn't wait for this weekend, because it would be everyone getting together for the small party we were throwing. I might not be able to do much, but damn it, I was going to have fun with my friends. The next few days before the party dragged by. My physical therapy was becoming more intense at the office, so of course it was becoming more intense at home. My body screamed with pain, and that only made me ill because I couldn't do anything about it. My own weakness was making me suffer, and I couldn't change it. I snapped at everyone when I was like this. Not that I meant too, and I heard myself doing it. I just couldn't stop myself. It was like I was spreading the misery again. I was mad at myself, and I was mad at them because they were walking around, with no pain, doing what they wanted. "Terra, you need to chill," Kat said to me, on the day that she and Sam were staying with me. I groaned, really not trying to hear this shit. "Katrina, please just go away," I begged her. She shook her head. "No. You need to listen. Enough is enough. This attitude that you're keeping, this woe is me complex. You need to stop it. You're getting better, even if it is a slow process. You have your cast off, so that's a start. You can walk on your own, and we know that. We're just making sure that you don't fall and injure yourself again. None of us want that. So, how about you chill and let us help you?" I sighed, knowing she was right, but also knowing that she didn't understand. "I'm not trying to be ill with you guys. I swear. It's just so annoying not being able to do these simple things without it causing me intense pain. It's annoying that I can't take anything to help with the pain, because I'm too weak to know how to control that part of me. It's not your fault, but you guys are just parading in front of me, always ready to step in if I make a mistake, perfectly fine, while I'm struggling and dying in pain." I tried to explain it to her but I wasn't sure she understood or not. She bit the inside of her cheek and nodded at me. "I get it. I know that's gotta be hard. You just have to remember that this is temporary. You'll get back to who you were before. But don't think I'm not gonna call you out when you start being bitchy." I cracked a smile at her and nodded. "That's fine. Thanks Kat." She patted my arm and smiled. "That's what friends are for. Now come on, let's get this therapy over with. Here's some ibuprofen." She held out the big white pills that the doctor had prescribed me.

In This Life (Sequel to 'In Another Life')Where stories live. Discover now