56 Colby's POV

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"Yes, we did it brother!" I yelled, turning to face Sam as we exited the huge building, where our meeting had been. We had both been so nervous. It seemed like the more years that passed, the more well known we became. While that came with a lot of benefits, it also came with a number of problems as well. You would think that we had been to enough big wig meetings that it wouldn't be a big deal, but no matter how many we had, we were always nervous. "We did good," Sam said, grinning as he hit me a high five. "Hell yea, we did," I answered. My blood was pumping, adrenaline buzzing through my veins. I was excited. I needed to tell Terra. I wanted to tell her first, before anyone else. Sam and I talked over a few things, like where we would be going first, when we would be leaving, and how the travel situation would work, when we brought extra people with us, because we would be doing that for at least the half the shows. We laughed and talked about upcoming trips, and what we were going to concentrate on with each episode. This was surreal. YouTube was a vast community and had millions of people watching it, but Netflix was an entirely different community. This was big. The ride back to Terra's seemed shorter than usual because we were talking the entire way, excited about the future. Katrina met us outside. Sam stopped to hug her, but I kept walking after shooting her a smile. "How did it go? What did they say?" she asked, her and Sam walking up behind me. "Is everyone here?" he asked. I stopped at the door, and turned to see what she would say. She shook her head. "No, Elias and Denise left earlier. Said they were going to walk the beach. Kenzie went to the Krachouse with Kevin. Sarah left with Brennen. I don't know where they went. Just said they'd be back later. So it's just me and T here. We were watching old YouTube videos, waiting on you guys." So no one was here. That meant that I could tell Terra alone, and get her genuine reaction hopefully. Sam nodded, and kissed her cheek. "Okay, we can tell you guys together." We walked inside the home, and I made a beeline to Terra's room. I knew that's where they had been instinctively. She needed to rest. I popped my head into the open doorway, and saw her lying on her bed, grinning at the TV that I had bought for her. I told the other girls not to tell her, because I knew she wouldn't accept it. I had no clue what they had said to her, but she never mentioned it to me. I was struck for a minute by how absolutely gorgeous she was. I didn't understand how she didn't see it. Her hair, golden locks, with the now faded blue streaks, thick lashes framing those aqua eyes that stole my breath every time she met my gaze. The smile. Oh my God, the smile. Just then, like she felt what I was thinking, she turned her head and met my gaze. Her smile widened making me weak. "Hi," she said softly, sitting up a little more. "hey beautiful," I replied, walking into the room, and sitting down by her feet. "How are you feeling?" I asked, knowing that it was going to annoy her, but I had to ask. She rolled her eyes, as expected, and sighed. "I'm okay. I'm sore, and honestly, I would kill for a pain pill, but I'm okay. Nothing I can't handle." "Please don't joke like that," I said quietly, taking her hand and pressing my lips to it. "Ugh, Colby, sometimes I need too. Because sometimes, it's true so I need to make a joke out of it. After this weekend, I'm hurting more than usual. After knowing what I can feel like if I just take one of those little white pills...it's hard to just keep dealing with the pain. This is how it's going to be sometimes. I'm always going to crave some kind of something to dull reality. You know this. I've told you how it works. Remember when you quit your jule? Magnify that by ten thousand and maybe you'll understand." I could hear the aggravation in her voice, and I hated it. I knew that she would always be an addict. I understood that, but I could only imagine what she went through with it. I had never been addicted to anything except my jule and that was extremely hard to give up. "I know T. I just hate that you're having a hard time. That's all. If it helps you to joke, I guess go for it. Do whatever you need to do." A soft smile crossed her face, as she looked at me. Katrina and Sam walked in then, holding hands, and laughing at something. "Did you tell her, or did you wait on me?" Sam asked. "I haven't said anything," I replied. "Okay, great," he said, then lightly pushed Katrina towards the bed. She sat down, while I stood up next to Sam, who had walked around to Terra's side of the bed. "Okay, so you guys know that we went to that meeting about the Netflix show," Sam started, holding his hands out. The girls nodded. "Well, we start filming the weekend after next. Local spots first, here in California, but we'll still be staying overnight in these areas. Kind of like old school TFIL, with the paranormal aspect." The girls looked at each other, then back to us. "Okay, that sounds great," Katrina said. "I'm so happy for you guys!" She looked at T again. "Our guys are doing amazing things!" T laughed, then looked at me. "Yeah, they are. They're pretty amazing though." I smiled at her, and blew a kiss, making her laugh. "So, we'll be home next weekend. No worries about someone staying here with you," I said, giving T a half smile, and licking my lips. 

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