Chapter 4 Prep Teams and Dinner

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I wake up to find that I am alone. I sit up and look around. For a second, I forget where I am, but then it all comes crashing back down on me. I feel the tears start to come, but at that second, Levy comes through the doorway. He has changed clothes and I assume he took a shower because his hair is wet.

"Hello, Esther."

"Hi. Are we almost there?" I'm dreading everything in front of me.

"Thirty minutes. You'd better shower and change."

"Okay." I stand up and stretch. I walk to the closet and pull out an outfit that looks like it goes with Levy's. He is wearing dark jeans, a dark green jacket, and a blue shirt. I find a green shirt and a blue jacket. I also get some dark jeans. I carry the clothes into the bathroom we are apparently supposed to share. I close and lock the door. I stand under the hot water, letting it soothe me. I wash my hair and body. I find a razor and shave my legs. Finally, I have to turn the shower off. I step out and dry myself off with a warm fluffy towel. I get dressed and blow dry my hair. Usually, my hair takes a super long time to untangle after a shower because it is long but the shampoo I used must have done something because I find it extremely easy to get the knots out of my hair.

Finally, I brush my teeth with a pink toothbrush. I'm assuming the blue one was for Levy.

I unlock the door and step out, carrying my clothes.

"You took so long."

"I shaved my legs. You don't."

"Good point." He hugs me. It's a little awkward because I'm still holding my clothes, but he inhales deeply and says, "You smell wonderful."

"You smell better." I always liked his smell. It had a kind of cleanness to it and I would find myself sniffing my hand for traces of it hours after we had held hands. I loved his smell, just like everything about him.

"By the way, I called dibs on the pink toothbrush." He grins.


He laughs. "Just kidding."

"Good," I say.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too." Just like every other time since I was reaped, I want to stay in this embrace forever. But I have to let go.

We separate. Suddenly, I think of something.

"Do you have a District- I mean State token?"

"Oh. I forgot about that. Yeah. I guess."

"What is it?" I ask.

"This." He pulls his hand from his pocket. He holds his hand out to me and I see what is inside of it. It's a very small drawing. It's ripped off of lined paper and I recognize the picture I drew of him. It's really bad, but he insisted on keeping it. The fact that that is the one thing he is bringing into the arena from home makes tears spring into my eyes. "What's yours?"

"My locket." I pull a silver, oval-shaped locket with the letter E engraved on the front out of my shirt. It has pictures of my parents, siblings, and me in it. I got it so long ago I can't remember a time when I didn't have it. It is one of the most valuable things to me.

"Good," Levy says. I don't know what he means by that but I don't care. I go back to my room and put my clothes on the bed.

Shella tells us where to buckle ourselves in for the landing. Every second that passes draws the knot in my stomach tighter. I cling to Levy's hand.

"Once we get out of the plane, cameras will be all over you both so I want the two of you to be holding hands at all times," Shella instructs us. I don't think I could let go of his hand if my life depended on it.

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