Blind Date: Part 2

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Dib entered Bloaty's Pizza Hog with a very nervous expression frozen on his pale face. He was wearing a dark blue button-up shirt, black jacket, black skinny jeans, and blue Converse high tops. He glanced around and found the table that Gaz had told him to sit at. Dib's hazel eyes widened in horror at the sight of his date.
"Zim?! W-What the hell?!" Dib gasped.
"I should have known your purple haired sister was talking about you." Zim said in disgust.
"I should say the same." Dib muttered. Zim grimaced and clenched his fists.
"You DARE agree with the mighty ZIM?!" The Irken shouted, giving the scythe-haired teen an icy glare.
"Whatever." Dib muttered, sitting down. "Let's just get this over with." The two sat across from each other in silence for almost half an hour. Finally, Dib cleared his throat. Zim glanced up, as if snapping back to reality.
"Eh?" The alien muttered, feeling kind of tired. Dib blushed a faint pink color.
"So, uh, Zim. I like your... um... I like your bow-tie." Dib complemented, his voice as quiet as possible. Zim shrugged.
"Your sister ordered me to wear it." He muttered.
"Um, well, I was just thinking t-t-that..." Dib stuttered until Zim slammed his fists on the round table.
"Speak already!" Zim commanded. "Zim is getting impatient!"
"I-I was just thinking that maybe this... this date... isn't so... bad." Dib admitted, saying the last part softly, but Zim heard it.
"Explain further, Dib-stink." The Irken said, a light shade of blue blush spreading across his cheeks and nonexistent nose. Dib bit his lower lip and wrung his hands under the table.
"I just think that being f-friends would be better than being... y'know... enemies." Dib confessed. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
"Friends?" Zim said in confusion. "Zim thought that only human mates participated in dates." Dib's blush darkened.
"" Dib stuttered.
"Does this 'date' make us mates?" Zim asked, tilting his head slightly. Dib felt his heart beat faster and harder. Suddenly, he felt feelings for Zim. The human leaned across the table.
"If you want." Dib found himself saying. He wanted to kick himself, but he also wanted Zim.
"Wha..." the Irken breathed as Dib pulled him into a kiss. They parted and Dib gazed into Zim's lilac eyes — well, contacts. "What was that?"
"Affection." Dib said with a somewhat seductive smile. Zim crossed his arms.
"Disgusting!" He spat, sticking out his worm-like tongue in a childish manner. Dib looked hurt, but was surprised to see a smirk on the alien's face. "Do it again."
"Gladly." Dib purred, kissing Zim once again, more deeply this time.

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