A New Years Lesson (Request for @JirouEarphoneJack)

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Here it goes! I hope you like it!
The party was loud and full of intoxicated teenagers. Dib stood in the corner of the room near the kitchen, scrolling through his phone. Suddenly, Zim parted through the crowd towards the scrawny scythe-haired teen.
"Dib!" The Irken wheezed, huddling next to the human. Dib lowered his phone.
"What?" He asked, a bit annoyed. Zim looked around quickly, almost paranoid.
"A group of filthy hyoomans tried to trample Zim!" The alien said, his breath shaky.
"I'm not surprised." Dib replied dryly, stuffing his phone and hands into the pocket of his oversized blue ghost hoodie.
"Why not?!" Zim asked, his eyes still widened in terror. Dib hadn't noticed before now how the low light made Zim's contacts shimmer subtly.
"It's a New Years party, Zim." Dib said. For some odd reason, he could feel his heart race faster.
"What is a 'neewww yeeearrrs potty'?" Zim asked, truly confused by the term. Dib exhaled sharply.
"New Years party, Zim. It's a new celebration to celebrate the coming of a new year and make resolutions." Dib explained.
"Resolutions?" Zim repeated, still a bit confused.
"Goals to improve yourself." Dib said, leaning against the wall.
"Oh. What else?" Zim asked, gazing intently at Dib who had a faint pink blush spreading across his face.
"Um... well... there are fireworks and a countdown and a... nevermind." He averted his glance towards the glitter and napkin littered floor.
"And what?" Zim demanded, wanting to know everything about this event. Dib blushed even harder and bit his lower lip.
"There's a kiss." Dib said quickly. Zim cocked his head.
"A kees?" Zim asked.
"A kiss." Dib said, clarifying.
"Who will you kiss?" Zim asked, causing Dib to blush the deepest shade of red possible.
"Um...well..." He stuttered. Zim made his usual duck face and looked up at Dib.
"How about Zim?" The Irken asked. Dib didn't answer, but he didn't have to. The countdown was starting.
Dib looked at Zim then knelt down and gazed into his purple eyes — well, contacts...
Dib closed his eyes and leaned in closer...
Dib cupped his hands around Zim's face and crashes his lips against the Irken's. A blue blush spread across Zim's face as he closed his eyes as well. Dib traced his tongue against the Irken's lips. Zim parted his mouth, letting the human explore his mouth with his tongue. The alien wrapped his worm-like tongue around the humans. They parted for air then crashed lips again.

( For @JirouEarphoneJack )
I hope you like it!

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