Killed before her murder!

Start from the beginning

"Hmm... Alright! Thank you for your time!" the girl replied and went to leave the hair salon.

"I'm at your service, anytimeee Elgaaa-chaaan!!!" the boy yelled and Elga couldn't help but giggle.

*He is such an idiot... *, she thought and waved him back for reply before she exited the shop.


"Could you please make me a coffee? I would like it black without sugar and add a pinch of cinnamon." the said girl made her order at the local café and walked towards Penguin who was dusting off the tables.

"Hey Elga-chan, how are you?"

"I'm fine! You know, I wanted to ask you some questions." she prepared her friend and took a look outside from the shop's window.

She could discern the clock tower clearly from there and observed the architecture. It was a tall, narrowed building with its clock right in the middle of it. There was also a small window above the clock face that probably leaded to the tower's attic.

She then focused on her friend and turned her gaze at him.

"Did you see something this morning?"

"I was late for work today and also got scolded for that, so I wasn't able to see even the incident! Don't mention this detail at Volff though, I don't want him to yell at me again, heheh..." he responded, whispering the last sentence near her ear.

"Don't worry I won't tell a single word." the girl replied, closing her one eye at him to ensure she will keep safe his little secret.

"Do you know at least something else about Miss Palmincton that could help me solve this case?"

Penguin glanced at a distant table behind the girl's back, where Law was having his lunch while reading a medical book about pancreas.

Elga didn't seem to have realized the boy's presence on the shop or else she would have left and planned to meet Penguin another time when he would be alone.

She received the message that the boy wouldn't help her with this case and was sure he didn't even believe her in the first place.

He gave his answer clearly, after all, back at the necrotomy room, previously the same day.

Well he didn't exactly say that he didn't believe her right on her face but his body language indicated his true thoughts. And that sign couldn't be wrong, right?

So the black haired boy was hearing the girl's conversation with the other teenager without saying a word or moving from his seat.

He only gave a look at Penguin to cut the discussion there.

The boy shallowed hard some saliva on his throat, feeling anxious as he had the girl standing right in front of him waiting for an answer and Law at the background, looking at him with a dead serious expression, warning him not to give any more information.

"Well?" Elga asked him again trying to catch his attention.

"Elga-chan, you should stop searching for evidence. You don't know if the killer comes after you if he finds out about your intentions! Please keep a low profile and leave the police to do this job." he tried to change the girl's stubborn mind, whispering at her so as not to be heard.

"Wait how do you know, it's a murder? I never mentioned that!" Elga questioned him curious and looked at the direction of the place, Penguin had locked his eyes before.

She turned her head and when she beheld the familiar face of her coworker, she frowned in annoyance.

Elga grabbed her hot coffee and started walking with big steps in order to leave the café.

However, when she was about to wander away from the coffee shop, Penguin took a hold of her hand.

"Maybe taking a look inside the tower will help you solve the case!" he suggested, letting her know that he was by her side.

Elga responded to him with a big warm smile and nodded in agreement.

She knew Bepo would be earlier home today than usual in order to help Volff with the renovation of the place she was going to live, so the clock tower would be her next destination.


After some minutes of walking she reached the place and stood right before the tall building.

It was an old tower that connected an older era with the modern one as its history reached 200 years before the current days.

It was covered by sharp grey rocks all around and there was an old wooden door in front of her, leading to the inside of it.

Elga decided to open it and pushed it slightly, causing a cricking sound.

She crossed the entrance and saw a caracole with numerous stairs, guiding at the top of it, probably at the attic as she guessed.

She began climbing it and after some time she found herself in a dusty room with a lot of old objects around.

There was a variety of different tools and boxes with cables and metallic bars.

She wandered a bit around the place, contemplating the area until a rather familiar scent hit her nose.

The scent of oxidize blood.

She lowered her head to look below her feet and saw she was standing in the middle of a pool of blood.

She kneeled down and touched the thickened, red-colored liquid, to check the texture on her fingers and ensure herself for its source.

*This must be the place of murder...*, she thought and turned her gaze towards the closed window on her left side.

She approached it and opened it to look down at the ground in order to check the height.

The time was already 14:05 and Elga took a shocked expression on her face and her eyes widened as she realized how Patrick Palmincton killed his wife.


Inside a dark room of a luxury villa and in front of the fireplace which consisted the only source of light, there was a woman with dark chestnut hair color, big blue almond shaped eyes and a scar across her jawbone, sitting comfortable on a red velvet sofa.

"Miss Palmincton, you've got a call.", a maid talked and the lady left her drink on the table beside her to hold the den den mushi.

She waited silently for the other line to talk.

"What do you mean Patrick, this girl knows you are the killer?", she said in a cold and calm voice."So you are looking her now from your office's window... She went to the clock tower and saw you in the forest?!... Idiot! Now she has evidence on her hands too... We can't leave a small fry like her ruin our plan!", she answered again furious, clenching her fist on the table, making her drink fall on the expensive carpet.

Then, she hanged up and left the room.

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