Start from the beginning

The door opened again and Pamela didn't have to look back to know who it was. When two strong, muscular arms enveloped her from behind, she was more certain of her decision to marry the wonderful man that was holding her like she was the most expensive jewelry in the world.

She smiled and caressed his hands that were circling her waists. "What are you doing here? Don't you know it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?"

He laughed in her ears and it made her tingle all over. "Well I can't exactly see you, now can I ?"

Pamela sighed and turned around to hug him. He was right. He couldn't see her, and the dark sunglasses he was wearing wasn't the reason.

Her fiancé couldn't see her because he was blind.

"Oh, Marcel." She hugged him tighter.

"Don't be sad," Marcel said, stroking her back. "I don't need to see you to know just how beautiful you look. I can feel it." He pulled back and placed her hand on his chest. "Right here. And yes, I can't see the sun but there's no need for that because you're the only light that I need to see by."

Her eyes smarted with tears. And here she was contemplating marrying him? Ever since he became blind while trying to save her life three years ago, she'd been indebted to him. Marrying him was the best thing she could ever do because she was making him happy and paying him back for risking his life for her. How else could she thank him than to love him and let him love her back?

She planted a light kiss on his lips. "I love you. But you need to get going. Florence is literally sniffing around for excuses to halt this wedding, I wouldn't want this to be one."

He laughed and that warmed her heart. "Okay, I'll leave now. See you on the alter my love." He planted another quick kiss on her lips and started for the door. She followed him, then shut the door to her room after he left, the tap-tap of his cane receding down the hall.

She blew out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and went back to her dressing table to grab her flower. She picked it up, studied it, and frowned. She had wanted something much smaller. The bouquet was too big, but she would manage it. She didn't want Florence to jump on that excuse to postpone the wedding just to get her the right size.

She smiled. Her housekeeper turned godmother was only being protective and she understood her but, this was her life and she would appreciate it if she could decide how to live it.

The door opened again and Pamela sighed but in a fond way. Why was Marcel so in a hurry? Was it because they haven't touched each other since they started dating again and wouldn't be able to until their wedding night? Was he that eager? She laughed and without turning back, said,

"Marcel I thought I told you I was - "

A hand suddenly covered her mouth, and despite her frantic struggles, the hands were just too big and too strong for her to overpower. She elbowed the body and the hand came off, though briefly, but with that window of opportunity, she yelled,

"Let me go, please!"

The hand came over her mouth again and pinned her to the nearby wall. The intruder's breath fanned her face making her want to throw up. Was she going to die? She had lived a peaceful and quiet life for three years so why today, of all days, was this happening to her? Nevertheless, she vowed not to give up. She would fight for her life! If only she could reach for her table. The body spray was no pepper spray but it could do something!

"Stop struggling." The voice snarled and she stopped immediately. "I'm going to remove my hands now. Do not scream."

Pamela shivered and stayed still. What was happening? Was she in a dream? Was this some sort of prank?

The hand left her mouth and she could feel the intruder step back. If her brain hadn't stopped working, she would have screamed for help, or she would have made a dash for her dressing table and sprayed her body spray into the intruder's eyes, to at least slow him down while she made her escape. Instead, she started to shiver. She stood, still facing the wall, too terrified to turn to look at the intruder for reasons she didn't want to imagine.

"You're getting married?" The voice said again in her ears, making her shiver all the more, due to shock than fear. "I don't remember getting any divorce papers," He spun her slowly to face him. "Or have you forgotten you're still married to... the Mafia?"

Frozen deep down to her marrow and paralyzed by shock, Pamela gave a sound, something in between a strangled cry and a gurgled whisper,



I know we have loads of questions starting with,

How is Marcel alive? And why is Pamela getting married to him?

And the million-dollar question, HOW THE HELL IS DEVLIN ALIVE??!!

You will find the answer, along with intriguing twists and turns in MARRIED TO THE MAFIA.

Do you hate how TMKM ended and you need a happy ending? It's not so easy to come by as new enemies will arise, bonds will be created and love will conquer all in the end. Please go to my profile to read, it would mean the world to me.  


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