07 | some rest for the wicked

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Before she even sets foot back in Metairie, Kendall calls her family to inform them that she's returning home. Also, surprise, she met the Winchesters and they're coming back with her. She breaks it to each member of her family separately because the last thing she needs after coming face-to-face with Lucifer (something she'll have to tell them about later) is all of them bombarding her with questions at once.

When she calls Mac, he's in the studio taking a break from the ballet routine he's crafting. The moment she tells him the news, he starts laughing, unable to wrap his head around how his sister goes hunting for a few days and returns with the Winchesters. What can she say? She attracts danger. Mac asks what happened to kicking their ass, and Kendall tells him the jury's still out.

Zuri, deep in working out the kinks to a job with the rest of Orion's Heir, stops clicking away at her keyboard immediately to hear the abridged version of Kendall's adventures. Since she's her sister and knows the type of person she is, Zuri asks which brother she's got her eye on. Though the question is just for show because the moment Kendall tries to answer she guesses Sam anyway. The girl knows her well.

Telling her dad is quick and easy, and he takes it just as well as she thought he would. Wesley gets enough chaos in the emergency room and on his sparse hunting outings, so he doesn't necessarily like the drama the Winchesters are known to bring around. Still, he knows having them as an ally is vital in their profession and that his daughter, a steadfast hunter, needs all the allies she can get.

Her mom is the last one she tells. Ada Travis is probably the kindest person one could hope to meet, but since she was born into the hunting life, her outlook is a little more jaded than most. She's wary of most hunters and her desire to protect her family runs deep. Just like every hunter out there, she knows the Winchesters are danger. But she's been trusting Kendall to make her own choices for a while, and she trusts her with this.

Since losing Damian, none of her family have had it easy, especially when it comes to this job. So, the fact that they're all willing to give her budding partnership with the Winchesters a chance means everything.

Of course, telling them about her plans to bring down Lucifer won't bring that same ease of agreement. But that's a story for later. Now? She rests.


Sam and Dean stay in Kendall's two-bedroom apartment, Dean immediately questioning how she can afford something so nice with no job. Instead of telling him that her sister is a world-class hacker/thief and hooks her up, she settles for saying she's got connections and lets him wonder what she means.

The two meet her family and it's a mix of caution and awe, but it helps when the brothers mention they've heard a few stories from Bobby about Ada and Wesley Travis. It opens the floodgates to conversations which allows things to go a lot better than Kendall expected so she won't complain.

While she hoped to rest when she got back home, Kendall doesn't get much of it. Mostly because she and the boys are devoting a lot of their time to looking for the Colt, reaching out to everyone they know who might have had eyes on it. So far, they have no luck in that department.

With Sam, however? Kendall's hitting all the right notes. Not that she thought their chemistry at the bar was a fluke or anything, but Kendall's glad to know that she and Sam still hit it off in the presence of each other for more than one night.

They're in Metairie longer than they thought they'd be, and it's the longest Sam's gone without hunting in a while. And while trying to find the Colt provides him with something to do, he still finds himself restless. So, him and Kendall wind up spending a lot of time together.

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