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During lunch break, Jungkook and Jeongukk with a few friends went to an ice cream shop.

Both wearing matching black t-shirts that overflowed nearly over the grey sweatpants they wore, high top shoes which were freshly bought, so plain yet very fashionable.

Why are they so attractive?

They approached the counter and waited for the cashier to return.

"Damn, it's so hawttt today"
hissing Jay, fanning himself dramatically.

"No one told you to wear a long sleeve dumbass" laughed mark, receiving a playful smack.

"Yah–" Jack smacked Mark's arm, causing him to pout and complain in a mumble.

"Hello sirs, how may I serve you guys today?"

The voice was smooth as silk, delicately sweet as carmel. The twins look forward to see the owner of the voice.

" We'll have two chocolate swirls, one vanilla, and two strawberry shortcakes please"

Jungkook bowed his head to the male and paid before the other could say the price.

" Your orders will return to you soon, have a seat and get comfortable sirs."
And after that, the male disappeared.

The group sat at a peachy colored table, chatting away as they waited. Well, the twins stayed quiet talking to each other mentally about the familiar male.

" Kookie, that's Taehyung, isn't it? He's so cute!"

" It is, he's very cute"

" Hm, I wish we could be friends with him, he seems nice.."

" Don't worry gukkie, we'll befriend him I promise~"

" Yay! "


The same worker came to their table, placing five glass objects with pretty designs on the flat platform. Full of delicious desires, shiny object of a spoon stabbed neatly into the sides of each cup.

Bowing his head, taking his leave the male waddled away before the twins could blink.

Everyone grabbed the ice cream for them and dug in, laughing e chatting away again.


" Oh my frickin god, they are here. In this ice cream shop. Where I work. They smiled at me. They noticed me. Oh my goodness hyung!"

" We are the only ice cream shop owners in this town boi, don't feel special"

The boy rolled his eyes and rubbed his red cheeks, trying to not be a fangirl.

" Oh my holy, they are so freaking hot and cute at the same time, like they are just teasing me"

" It's like they are secretly calling me gay, but I'm gay, but being gay all over again gay.. I can't stand it"

His hyung yawned, stretching against the wall. " Talk to them and you'll see"

" I just sit back and observe the sexy bunnies, nothing more nothing less"

"Well, I don't think you'd want to lose your chance to win them over. But your lose"

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