Chapter 2

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The Texts  ( Warning chapter has not been editied. Beware for poor spelling!!!! XD ) 
I've been working for Levi for about a month now. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd make my life hell. I was miserable. I was constantly being yelled at by him, always getting my weekly paycheck docked, and never endingly had to clean. He, was a clean freak to maximum power. Everything had to be perfect or I was forced to redo it about a billion times. "Tch. Filthy. Clean it again." was his favorite phrase to say to me, next to "Shut up shitty glasses and get back to work." No heart! He has nothing in that chest of his! Nothing but a black, cold, piece of darkness that love to torchure me. And I made sure everyone knew it. 

"He has no heart, no soul, and no compassion!" I complained to Petra. Petra had become a close friend of mine this past month. Not only a good friend though, but a venting machine and a coffee supplier. 

"Of course he does. You just can't see it yet." And that's the usual response from Petra I thought. She was always defending everyone. Personally, I thought she was too nice for her own good.

"Petra, you always defend everyone! Besides, you're head over heels for Levi, so it doesn't count." I retorted and she flushed bright red.

"N-no I don't! W-we are just friends!" A familier gleam came into my eyes and Petra caught it. 

"Hanji, don't you dare!" she warned. My response was to grin, strike a dramatic pose and......

"Oh Levi Heichou! I am sorry! Tis all my fault! No, don't blame yourseld my sweet Petra, nothing is your fault!" I moved to Petra imitating Levi's walk and placed my hands on her cheeks. I continued, mocking Levi's voice. 

"Come Petra, we musr run away and get married. Me wi, you are as beautiful as a poubelle." 

"That means trashcan." A cold voice interrupted from behind me. I jumped a small shriek coming from my mouth as I spun. Levi stood there with a less than amused expression. My eyes narrowed at the short mans stare. Levi reached forward and grabbed my wrist. 

"You are coming with me." He said and proceded to drag me along with him. I stummbled along trying to get him to slow down. It was humiliating being pulled by a man only 5' 4". I was 5' 6" for crying out loud! Well, i guess he has more physical strength than I did at the moment. I grumbled as he pulled me to his office. 

"This is not clean! Redo it!" He commanded throwing me into his spotless office. I looked around and saw nothing wrong. My anger began to boil over. This was ridiculous! I spun and lashed out at him.

" If it's so imperfect, then why don't you do it yourself?!" His eyes narrowed and a mocking look painted his face. 

"does that mean you're quitting?" He asked his voice uncaring. If I quit, then he wins. I thought. With a sigh, i asked. 

"No. If it's not to your liking, then what did I do wrong?" My voice was tired and worn. His eyes widened at my calm voice, then went back to normal. 

"Dust again and do this paperwork. It should be the end of your shift by the time you're done. Then you can leave." He said. I gave him a weary nod and he looked uncomforatable. When he left, I grinned and grabbed the duster. Maybe things won't be as bad as I thought. 

This past week has been surprisingly empty of fights between Levi and I. I guess it's because i've been working my butt off with papers. Levi had a huge presantation coming up with his company clients. It was do or die so this week has been spent making things flawless. We don't need another accident like last time.

"Shitty glasses, can you get me tea? Also, see if Petra has those papers that I needed earlier. Se il vous plait et merci. " Levi's voice broke through my concentration.

My Addictions Make Me Who I am ( AOT/LeviHan ) (REWRITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora