Chapter 7

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~ Hanji
I stared at the clock willing it to turn. The minute seemed to last forever as I stared down the slow moving hand. It was like the world was teasing me, making me wait to leave. Levi could be dying for all i knew. I kept my gaze on the clock. Then, as the hand reaches the last second, it seemed to stop and hover there for longer than usual.  Finally, it turned and the soft chime indicated that it was now 7 pm. I sighed and stood, hastily packing my things.  Throwing my paperwork into my bag, I searched for my jacket. The winter was in full blast now and we were supposed to get a nasty storm. I could already see the dark clouds rolling in. It was going to be a bad one. I hurried to pull my coat on. I didn't want to get stuck out there if it hit before I got home. Snatching my car keys off of the table, I started to the doors. Petra was packing up in her office. 

"Hey! Need any help real quick?" I asked her, poking my head in. She looked up and smiled at me. Shaking her head she went back to organizing her office. I shrugged and started back for the doors again. My footsteps were muted across the dark carpet. A familiar figure stood outside the door. Ewrin. With a grin, I hurried outside. 

"Erwin! What's up?" I asked as I approuched him. He looked up and smiled at me, his blond hair tousled. 

"Hey Hanji! I was coming to say goodbye." My smile dropped off of my face as the words passed his lips. Goodbye? How could that be? He had just come. I took a hesitant step forward.

"But you just got here! Why are you leaving now?" I asked my voice sad. He looked at me with sympathy. 

"I know. I will visit again but I have to get back. I am needed." He said encircling me with a hug. I sighed and hugged him back. It was always terrible to see your best friend leave. He gave me a small smile and climbed into his car. I waved until he drove out of sight. With a heavy heart, I got into my jeep. Thankfully, luck was on my side and I was able to get into my garage before the snow started to come down. I watched the snow fall past my face. 

"Let it snow.." I muttered watching it come down. It was slow now, but it was going to pick up bad later. I walked up and unlocked my door. Inside, it was dark except for the flickering of the tv. I took of my shoes and turned on the kitchen light. Putting away my things, I moved out to the living room. Levi laid ther one the couch, passed out. His face was flushed and he had a small frown on his face. I rolled my eyes. I guess he always had a frown on his face. I put my hand to his forhead and felt that he was warm. 

Shaking my head, I went to the bathroom and filled a bowl full of cold water. After soaking a small dishcloth, I placed it on his head. Hopefully that would help keep his temp down until I could get some medicine into him.  I went to the kitchen and opened a can of soup. He needed to eat soon. I set it on the stove and let it heat up. I walked back out into the living room and felt the cloth. It was warm already. I re soaked it and placed it back on his head. My heart went out to him. It must be hard getting sick and being taken care of when you have his kind of pride. I looked back into his face. The frown that covered it was gone. 

I smiled softly and stood to go check on the soup. It was warm so i placed it on the back burner. It was weird knowing that I was responsible for another human being. It has always been just me... and to be honest it was lonely. I small smile crept on my lips as I peeked back out to where Levi was sleeping. I ladeled out a small bowl for him and flicked on the living room light. Levi rolled over and tried to get away from the sudden light. I chuckles and placed the bowl on a small folding table.

"Time to wake up. I know i know. You don't want to. But you have to eat otherwise you won't have the strength to get better. " I said to him and sat on the small space on the couch. He grummbled and cracked open one eye to look at me. I was changing the channels and paid no heed to him. I felt him sit up beside me, the cloth that was on his forhead falling into his lap. I picked it up and tossed it into the cold water bowl to soak. Then I turned to him. 
Levi - 
I sat up, and felt something damp hit my hands. I looked down in time to see Hanji grab a washcloth and toss it into a small bowl full of what I could only assume was cold water. I looked up and Hanji spun to face me. My face flushed red, not from the fever, but from how close we were. Her face was mere centimeters from mine. She didn't seem to notice as she placed her hand on my forhead. I shivered, from the cold or contact, who knows. Hanji seemed to notice though. She chuckled and grabbed a blanket from off the back of th couch and wrapped it around my shoulders. 

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