Chapter 19

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( Levi's POV )

I shuffled through my papers at work, not really reading any of the text printed on them. My mind was preoccupied with the woman standing a little ways outside of my door. She was too far for me to eavesdrop on her conversation, but I didn't mind that. Just being able to see her was alright for me. Hanji looked as tired as I felt. Dark bags hung under her eyes, something that had been there ever since we broke up. I liked to believe that this affected her as much as it did me, but the bright smile on her face told me otherwise. I felt the familiar dull ache fill my chest when I thought about the last time that we had talked. 

It has been a month after she left. A sharp knock at the door brought me over. I don't know what I expected, but it sure wasn't Hanji standing there. Hope flooded my chest as her eyes met mine. For a brief moment, I thought that everything would be okay. Then she spoke

" I am taking my house back. You have 2 weeks to move out." She said, her voice harsh and cold. I felt my heart come crashing down again, and all I could do was nod. 

Now here we were, 6 months later. She hadn't spoke another word to me after that day. Not even when she arrived at her house once all of my stuff was out. I desperately tried to make conversation, but Hanji just avoided eye contact and kept silent. It was a stab to the heart, and I left with my head held low. What could I even say to make things better? I didn't blame her for refusing to talk to me, not after my cold words to her. 

" .... -t's on a Saturday, sir." A voice brought me back to the present. A worker stood in front of me, somewhat blocking my view of Hanji. Slight irritation filled me and I let out a sigh. 

" What?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. 

" The formal is this Saturday. I was requested to ask you if your department was going to be planning it this year or not." They said to me. The formal. I had forgotten all about that. Another sigh left me and I rubbed my face. 

" Yeah I will take care of it this year. I passed it off last year so it's only fair that I take care of it." I said to them. They nodded and began to go through all of the things needing to be covered for this years formal. It was a hefty list, and I knew that I was going to have to work overtime to be able to pull this off. It was times like these, that I missed having Hanji as an assistant. At the thought of her, I brought my eyes back to where she had been standing. My heart gave a small jolt when I saw that she was looking my way. When her eyes met mine, she held my gaze for a few seconds before looking back to the clipboard in her hand. I dropped my own eyes back to my desk, and tried to calm my racing heart. I had forgotten how easily she made me get flustered.  I decided to turn my attention back to work, welcoming the distraction that it gave me. 

" Give me a list of all the important sponsors that are currently supporting our company. Find the top chefs in the area and give me their information as well. I need a theme for this formal as well so go talk with the designing department about sending someone over to help." I rattled off everything that I would need to the worker in front of me, flipping through some of the papers on my desk. They nodded and hurried off to get what I requested. I settled down into my chair, pulling out the necessary paperwork. This was going to be a long night. 


Loosening my tie, I leaned back in my chair, glancing at the clock that hung beside me on the wall. 11:30 already. I knew that I was most likely going to stay here for work instead of heading home to my small apartment. There was so much to think about and do. I got up, heading out into the dark hallways to grab yet another cup of coffee. I normally hated the bitter taste, but in order to stay awake, I needed the caffeine. A yawn escaped my lips as I shuffled into the dimly lit break room. I started a fresh pot, and stayed there, listening to it gurgle as new coffee dripped its way into the pot. I couldn't remember the last time that the office had been so quiet. It was normal for people to stay and pull all nighters but tonight it seemed like I was the only one here. I filled my cup, and walked down the hallways, looking at all of the offices. A wave of loneliness filled me as I looked at all the empty rooms. As I passed by the lab door, a light made me stop. 

My Addictions Make Me Who I am ( AOT/LeviHan ) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now