Chapter 17

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//Peeks out from behind wall//

Hello... anyone there...? //quickly throws chapter out and takes cover//

Hanji POV

Thankfully, Petra didn't ask questions. She just let me stay at her place, only giving me a few rules. I knew that I looked like a wreck. My face was red and puffy due to all of my crying, my hair was falling out of my ponytail and I was utterly exhausted. My lips trembled, and I pushed back the tears as much as I could. My chest hurt. It ached with a fierce pain that burrowed itself deep, determined to never leave. I knew that the term "broken heart" was just a metaphor. A heart really couldn't break at extreme emotion. But it felt like it. It felt like my heart had shattered. The pain wasn't something that could be fixed by medicine or hospitals. No, this was something that only time could heal. I curled up on the couch, tugging the warm blanket around me. I knew I would have no troubles sleeping tonight.  Sure enough, I was asleep minutes after closing my eyes 


The next morning was absolute hell. I had a massive headache and when I woke up my face was sore. I must have been crying in my sleep. Petra had started some coffee and left me some before she went off to work. 

Dragging myself off the couch, I went into the kitchen and poured a small cup for myself. I didn't feel like eating or drinking anything but I knew that I had to get some liquids into my body after crying that much.  I didn't drink it all at once like I normally did, but took small sips. Since I wasn't going to work today, I didn't know what to do. I knew I couldn't avoid going but at the same time I didn't want to see him there. It was going to be hard enough getting over him without the chance of seeing him everyday. I would always be haunted by the memories. I felt the warm tears slip down my cheeks again and before I knew it sobs wracked my body with a tremendous force. My legs buckled and I slid to the ground, trying to muffle my sobs. Memories flooded my mind and I couldn't keep them at bay. 

"Levi are you sure this is right?" I frowned at the combination in front of me. I could hear his tired and annoyed sigh from behind me. 

" Yes it's right. I know how to make brownies Hanji. Stop doubting me." He snapped. 

" But the better isn't supposed to be lumpy... is it?" I asked. I could practically feel the glare that he gave me. 

" Stir it more!" He growled and stormed off into the living room. I sighed and plugged in the electric mixer that he forced me to use. I had never actually used one before since I have never made brownies from scratch.  Medium should be a good setting right? I flicked on the mixer. 

It. Went. Everywhere

I screeched and turned the mixer off, staring in horror at all the chocolate mix splattered on my torso. Levi hurried into the room. 

" What!? Wha- " he stopped cold as I turned to face him the shock still covering my face. Levi took one look and burst out laughing. I felt my cheek flush with red. It wasn't often that Levi laughed like that and honestly it was always heart stopping when he did. 

" Y-you're such an idiot I swear." He said, his laughter still bubbling out of his lips. I took of my glasses and set them on the counter. He came over to me, a large grin stretched across his face. He grabbed a paper towel and started to gently clean my face. 

" How could you not know how to use a mixer?" He asked me. I shrugged, feeling the sticky mess slowly being cleared off of my face. 

" I have never used one before." I muttered, feeling my cheeks start to heat up again as his amused smile grew. He shook his head, and rolled his eyes at me. It's not my fault that he didn't give me any instructions on how to use the stupid electric blender. 

My Addictions Make Me Who I am ( AOT/LeviHan ) (REWRITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz