Chapter 12: Attack On Vale

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----( Ozpin POV )----

While the fight between Alex and Quinn vs Y/N and Yang was happening, Ironwood and I were having a conversation about some future plans and the huntsman Ironwood sent to stop the breach

Ozpin: So James, how many huntsmen did you send on mount glenn

Ironwood: Teams CRMN, SHDW, and RNGR all of them are experienced 2nd year students

Ozpin: I thought you were gonna send professional huntsman for this

Ironwood: Sadly no one wants to take it even when I increased the price

Ozpin: Sadly.... that's the current state of some huntsman, only wanting to save their own skin and others don't even want to help unless you give them "pleasuring" reward, team CRDL almost would've ended up like them if it wasn't for Y/N

Ironwood: The kid has a good heart, but that doesn't explain his knowledge about Salem

Ozpin:*sigh* Maybe I should tell you the truth

Ironwood: Please do

Ozpin: Its because of Abaddon

Ironwood: Who's.... Abaddon?

Ozpin: Y/N's foster father and a creature from another world or rather I should say.... another universe

Ironwood: What?

Ozpin: Apparently Abaddon seems to came from an alternate version of Remnant since he knew my true identity and Salem as well as our age old conflict, and I never met him throughout my whole reincarnations

Ironwood: An alternate version of Remnant? Does that mean, the multiverse exist?

Ozpin: I believe so, and if there's a Salem in Abaddon's world, there could be a Salem in every other Remnant as well

Ironwood: Shit, I might need to start drinking whatever Qrow drinks

I walked to a nearby cabinet, opened it and took out some vodka with 2 shot glasses

Ironwood: Didn't know you had that here

Ozpin: Well Qrow does like this and now I could see why, they make your worries go away quite fast

Ironwood: Indeed

----( Ruby's POV )----

I was in the infirmary watching the fight through my scroll and noticed Raiden and Yang just teleported, I'm not sure if anyone noticed that, but then again with the amount of semblance my brother is packing, its almost impossible to learn his attacks

Ruby: Looks like Raiden and Yang won

Yasuo: So who's gonna be in the Vale finals?

Ruby: Gonna be Yang, we all agreed on it already

Laura: Well it seems like Haven is coming up, we should get going now, come on Wayne I'll carry you

Wayne: What? No

Laura: Just shut up and let me carry you, you big baby

Wayne:*blushes* Shut up

Yasuo: Stop fooling around you two, we should be going now

Elise: Bye Ruby

Ruby: Bye guys and good luck!

As I wished them luck, I heard Weiss groaning, I looked over and saw her getting up

Ruby: Oh thank Oum you're alright Weiss

Weiss: R-Ruby? Where.... am I?

She looked to her right and saw Blake and panicked then she about to fall from her medical bed but luckily I was able catch her before she could fall

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