Crystalized pain

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Coralina swam as fast as she could, as fast as she could push herself.
She could hear the wailing of pain and fear and despair in the high pitched tones.

Hurry, hurry, hurry the water whispered in her ears.

Make it in time, the ocean begged her. For the creatures of the sea were about to get stolen.

The mistress of the ocean cleaved through water like a knife through butter, her hands in a fist, she commanded the current of the water to listen to her, push her onward instead of against her.

So within mere minutes she'd crossed miles and miles of ocean grounds. Coralina halted as the song of pain became so intense that her heart cried out.
A shadow casted darkness in the water. A shadow she hated with passion.

Coralina didn't particularly dislike humans, she even liked some. Especially that beautiful girl with braids and dark brown eyes that always played near the water edge, splashing the water as if she could go up in it.

But she was also familiar with the cruelty and wicked ways of humans. The disrespect they had towards those they didn't see as equal.

So as her aquamarine eyes shot towards the surface, scanning the shadow of the ship that drifted on the waves above, a rage fueled her flowing body.
From left to right, fishing nets floated in the water, all sorts of animals caught in it.

Their fearful stares found her and hope danced in them all. She closed her eyes and spread her arms, opening the palms of her hands.
A pearl colored light illuminated, caressing the animals like the comforting touch of a mother.

I am here
Fear not
I shall free you
As you deserve to be

The magic chanted and sang in a voice that was ancient, wise, tender.
Coralina's voice.

Her dress shifted into a dark, almost black color, and so did the ocean.
"You want to steal from the sea, let me steal from you." She hissed lowly.

The water went from calm to anything but easy, as the waves rose higher and higher on her command. White plumes of foam danced on the crashing waves, and as Coralina smiled, the water fell on top of the boat.

She could hear the echo of fear, the screams and cries of men and women. She could feel their anger.
"Good, be angry. Like I am."

Her smile turned ferocious, but she knew she couldn't kill them.
She would just shake them a little....

The boat capsized, the sea claiming the dozens of humans, pulling at their legs, their lungs.
With a slash of her hand, the nets broke and the dolphins, turtles, fish and sea lions escaped, their sweeping fins creating a current of their own as they swam to their safety.

Balance was all. But the humans had claimed too many lives of the sea lately. She wasn't a guardian for nothing. It was her sole duty to protect.
But she was not a killer.

Coralina breathed in, the sea calming immediately. The human legs swam frantically. "Squirm a little longer," she mused as she took off with the speed of light.

Her work was done.


The jelly fish lights flickered in delight as she walked over the white shimmering shell floors, up the swirling stairs, down the long, crystal hallways all the way to her chambers.

The doors flowed open with a flick of her delicate hand and Coralina walked into her living area.

She was welcomed by a massive round chamber.
White floors were decorated with black woven seaweed carpets, tables of sea wood offering a place for decorations.

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