Reset your life : Glow up

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Glowing up is probably one of the most requested, searched and desired moments in our life. Specially this year , when everything seems to be tumbling down.

Maybe we have been going through a bad time either physically or mentally , maybe we just want a change... whatever it is, here are some tips to start your glow up and activate your goddess energy

1. Clean your space
The first step to reset your life is always to clean your room, house, apartment... This will provide a fresh start and a way to declutter and reorganize your life too. Cleaning will also help with mental cleanse , and it is the perfect way to start your glow up journey, since it gives you sort of a blank canvas to start with. 

remember : cleaning your space once is a good start, but the best thing is including daily cleaning into your routine. Make it part of your aesthetic. Create a morning and night cleaning routine, which is just as important as your skin care routine. This will make a huge difference in your lifestyle and mental health!!

2. Include daily exercise 

This might be the hardest step, but the most necessary. Along with a correct nutrition, exercise will not only help change your body, but it will improve your mental health and give you that much needed serotonin. 

Including daily exercise doesnt mean having to go everyday to the gym. You can dedicate a few days to intense exercise and 10, 20, 30... mins of daily walking, yoga, stretching, ab reps, squats... 

It doesnt have to do with intensity but with consistency, and it will avoid you wanting to give up. After your daily exercise, however long and intense you decide it to be, you will feel productive, ready to continue with good habits, happy and relaxed, and with time that will show many results in the inside and outside. 

3. Meditate before sleep

Again, it doesnt have to be long 1 hour sessions of meditation, but they have to be consistent. Even 10 minutes before bed of sitting and meditating/religious practices will not only help you sleep better, which on its own already gives more than enough results, but it will also help restart your body and mind after a long day and face a new day with a calm, kind and goddess-like attitude. 

Meditation can be done many different ways, but mostly consists of reflecting and listening to your body and mind in peace. There are many Youtube videos on guided meditation, but if you prefer you can always sit somewhere quiet and peaceful and simply go through your thoughts and sorting them out while listening to yourself and your needs. 

Remember to always keep a positive attitude and be grateful to yourself for what it has achieved that day, and everything it does for you daily, even if you had a bad day.

 Focus always on the best of yourself and your day, even if it gets hard sometimes. 

4. Calm and Composed

Even if sometimes its the most impossible thing to do, remain calm and composed, move slowly, think things through, be observant and that way you will create an elegant, superior image of yourself. Moving calmly and carefully through life will avoid any mistakes, embarrassing and tense moments. 

However, that doesnt mean you dont get to have fun. A calm, elegant attitude also means an unbothered, free attiude. move with care but have fun, be spontaneous, be free. It is possible to be both!!

5. Do not deprive yourself of things you like

Easy to follow. Eat that piece of cake, go out with friends and stay a little longer, stay in your house and decide not to go out because you want to cuddle in bed, buy that shirt you like... Whatever it is sometimes you dont have to say no to yourself, because living life at its fullest is also an important form of selfcare. 

Remember: Moderation is key to a better life. Allow yourself to indulge but always in moderation. That way, you will never feel guilty about it and it wont have a negative impact on your life. Ej. Don't party in excess, dont cheat meals in excess, don't lock people out in excess...

6. Detox

Detoxing doesnt always have to do with food and body, although it is uselful to take a body detox day a week, it is also important to remove toxic people and situations from your life. 

Firstly, having lots of friends is useless if some of them are toxic. Quantity doesnt matter as much as qualityHaving few good friends instead of many toxic ones improves your mental health, your social life and your social image. Belive me. 

Goddess image includes having a reserved, healthy and small circle of friends. It also means being kind and friendly to everyone, but theres a difference between having friends and having good friends. So this is a sign to recognise and cut toxic people out of your life

Another example are, of course, relationships. Be picky, be careful. Break a toxic relationship even if it hurts. Remove a toxic partner from your life, block them, take your time to get over them if needed, and move on to better things in life. Sometimes it is hard because of the social impact on your relationship. I know, ive been through that, but having goddess energy means paying no attention to what everyone says, except for those few who truly care about you.

 Be unbothered and focus only on you, because what people in highschool say about you today will not matter at all in 5 years, but the toxicity you go through will impact your life forever. 

7. Look for your aesthetic

It can be a known, fixed aesthetic, but it doesnt have to be. If you relate to a specific, socially know aesthetic its absolutely fine, but it is also fine to not have a fixed aesthetic and create it yourself. Mix aresthetic, your aesthetic is whatever you make it, so you can absolutely mix diferent styles and slay them all. Spend time looking for inspiration and motivation, choose your role models wisely, and remember never to copy, but own your style and defend it whatever it is, because its what makes you feel good. 

8. Its fine to see a therapist, even if you think you dont need one

Taking profesional care of your mental health is just as important as your physical health. You dont have to have a specific or serious issue to talk to a therapist. Sometimes its just good to check on your mental health for the sake of it, and believe me you will always find something that needs organizing. Therapy is not shameful and it should be mandatory. You can go to a therapist face to face aor you can look for therapy in many online sites (remember, look for professional, trusty sites, you can't rely on therapy from twitter or tumblr) 

 You can go to a therapist face to face aor you can look for therapy in many online sites (remember, look for professional, trusty sites, you can't rely on therapy from twitter or tumblr) 

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Remember a journey wont always be a straight line, be patient, be consistent, take care of yourself because you will only have yourself for the rest of your life. 

Also, you dont have to do this journey alone. Look for guidance in people you trust, youtube channels, social media influencers (good, healthy ones, please) and profesionals

And on top of it all, be safe, it will get better and you will succeed, I believe in all of you

Good luck and lots of love xxx 

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