Natural Face Masks

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I have been struggling with my skin for a time now. I fortunately don't struggle with severe acne anymore, but my skin feels so dry, unhealthy, it lacks so much light...

So because I am currently detoxing my skin from overusing skincare products that weren't the best for me, I have cut off my skincare products for a time. Now, it's time to get right back to hydrating my skin as much as possible with natural, homemade face masks. 

After experimenting with some, these are some of the ones I will be applying daily. 

1. Ice. It's not a mask, I know. But icing my skin regularly is a great part of my bounce-back skin routine. Rubbing an ice cube for a few minutes in the morning has become the best, cheapest anti-inflammatory there is. 

2. Flaxseed mask. Perfect for a nightly face mask, slugging this flaxseed face mask on your face gives your skin a bright, glass-like appearance. It is the closest thing to being able to botox my skin. 10/10. 

Recipe for flaxseed mask: 

- Grab a container you will be able to seal close later (tupperware, bottle...)

- Pour 2 cups of flaxseeds into the container

- Pour 4 cups of boiling water and mix. 

- Once it starts getting slimy, put it in the fridge. 

- Use as you please!

(Many will recommend to boil the flaxseeds with the water. After doing some research, I have found boiling the flaxseeds takes off a lot of nutrients, so I simply mix both in the container, but feel free to experiment.)

 3. Turmeric mask (Use it not more that twice as week, it stains!). Growing up with middle eastern father, turmeric is a huge part of my beauty routines. This face mask is a tradition in my family, and has never once failed me. 

- Turmeric

- Greek Yoghurt (Or plain yoghurt)

- Honey

- Mix and leave for 10/15 mins. Be careful, as it stains everything yellow. 

4. Green tea mask. This one I use specifically for my eyes. It is very very simple, but very very effective. If you are lucky enough to own a bathtub, mix 2/3 green tea bags in your bath and relax. If you are like me, apply green tea with a swab of cotton gently but generously to your face. 

This is it for now. I will keep experimenting and share new, natural, homemade recipes. However I found that the fewer products you use on your skin, and the more consistent you are with the same 3/4 ingredients, the better. 

Love and keep shining, xox

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