Chapter 1

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Percy's POV...

I ran through the forest, jumping over fallen branches and small bushes and weeds. I put some pressure on my wounded side, from which red blood was gushing out and soaking my clothes. I tried to ignore the pain it created.

I looked over my shoulder, to see the horde of monsters that were chasing me. Two hellhounds, one dracaena and three empousai, would have been worse; but currently judging from the state I am in; this is the worst.

I was covered in blood and golden monster dust. My boots and pants were also covered in mud. I would not last long after this. I have little energy left and I seriously doubt if nectar or ambrosia would help. Not that I need (or even want) to live, I have nothing to live for.

It all went wrong after that mission with Beckendorf. After he died the Gods and campers thought that I had killed him. They thought that I was secretly working for Kronos because, uh, I and Luke are, like, together. Truth to be told, I have never loved Luke more than as that of a brother. But of course, nobody believed me. And I was never on Kronos's side. I don't know why Aphrodite calls herself the goddess of love if she can't even tell whether somebody is in love with someone. I know she was sad about her daughter's loss but... ugh. Leave it. What's the point of whining now? Poseidon hates me, he got the rumors to mom so now she hates me, the camp hates me and the gods loathe me.

I was so busy looking at the monsters behind my back, who were now gaining up on me, that I did not notice the tree which was coming zooming towards me. I noticed it just in time to side-step it, which caused me to unfortunately, step into the radius of offense of one of the hellhounds. It pounced on me and dug its teeth into the flesh of my left shoulder, nearly biting my arm off. I cried out in pain and slashed wildly at it with riptide. Luckily, it struck the hellhound's neck and it disintegrated into dust. I dusted some of the dust of me and stood up shakily, my left arm screaming in protest. I was surrounded by the monsters.

'Sssurender, demigoddessssesss. You are ssssurrounded. There isssss no hope', the dracaena hissed.

'Even if there is no hope, I can always imagine that there is and hold on to that imagination', I said; mostly to catch my breath and buy some time. The gods could at least have some decency to take my demigod sent away if they are abandoning me with false charge; but no, it's not their problem if monsters attack me now, is it?

'We ssshall feasssst on your meat, daughter of Possssseidon.'

'I am no daughter of Poseidon', I snapped angrily.

'Whatever', an empousa, I think her name is Jessi, said and then looked at her companions, 'Why can't we kill her already?'

Adrenaline coursed through me as they charged, I sidestepped the first two empousai; making them struck each other with their long fangs and talons which they were planning to impale me with. Golden dust rained on me. Monsters can be pretty stupid sometimes. I sliced through the dracaena's head, and impaled Jessi in her chest, not really sorry for the hole I made in her pretty silk dress. I was faintly aware of a presence some meters away watching the whole ordeal; but I was too busy to care. The hellhound leapt at me, I tried to dodge but it still managed to give me a deep graze, adding to the numerous injuries I have already attained. I jumped as it tried to claw me again. I cut its arm with my sword and slashed at its stomach. It howled in pain and disintegrated.

I leaned against a tree for support, panting hard and staring up at the orange-blue-purple sky. The sun was just setting and it could be dark soon. I needed to keep moving but the adrenaline I had felt has left my body, draining me of any remaining energy. I was tired. And not to forget, my left shoulder was stinging badly. Normally, I would pray to Poseidon during times like this, but this time it was different. And he would possibly think of me now as only one thing: a traitor of a daughter.

I pushed myself off the tree. I staggered a few inches and tried to ignore the pain radiating from literally all over my body. The edges of my vision were becoming dark and blunt. I slid down next to a tree, trying to keep my consciousness. But I knew it would be of no use. I was tired and severely wounded. I may be stupid but even I was not that stupid. I was right.

I wouldn't have really minded dying, but if I die I would end up in Underworld. And knowing Hades, he would most likely put in the most torturous section of the Fields of Punishment. So that's a no.

The last thing I saw before my vision faded and unconsciousness consumed me, was a pair of concerned golden orbs.

Hello my lovely readers,

Lo and behold my new book, which is going to be complete crap as you can see from the very first chapter.

So do you think I should tag this to #kronercy or something else? 'Coz I would be grateful for recommendations.

Actually I would be grateful for any kind of recommendations; like tags, characters or plot.

Now, please excuse me cause I need to scold my brother for messing with my computer and plan my next chapter.

See ya'll. 

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