Sweet skies, she is too gorgeous to even exist.

“Ooh, somebody looks famished!”

And before Aiden knows it, a roly poly man in his late forties donning a stainless white apron and toque have made his way to the table, proudly uniting his hands in a shrill clap.

Then entered another servant—Kai—The Arendelles’ Household’s faithful stalwart butler, entered grandly with a gloved hand balancing a casserole of the food, and Aiden could’ve sworn he saw Claire sink in her seat when she caught a glimpse of the included lettuce.

“Oh no,” The four-year-old whined in misery.

Elsa rolled her eyes good naturedly and paid her gratitude to the present staff.

“Bon appetit, Lady Elsa, Claire and Monsieur?”

Aiden fera très bien l'affaire, bon monsieur,” Aiden smiled, bowing his head a bit, “Pas besoin de formalités.

The chef was taken aback and looked impressed. “You speak French, oui?”

“Oui, monsieur.”

Hors de série!The astonished chef praised jubilantly, “Have a good evening then, Aiden.”

“Likewise,” Aiden nods.

“That was outstanding, Aiden,” Elsa couldn’t hide her astonishment, and a vicious lump formed at the back of Aiden’s throat when he realized she was commending him, “Why didn’t you put that on your resume?”


“I’m–I was kidding,” Elsa sputtered nervously.

“O-oh, okay.”

And the awkward silence ensued. Carbonara is continuously passed and chewed, and Claire endeavored to swallow her respective greens. The dawdling taste of garlic bread lingered on Aiden’s tongue, and he was getting quite full.

“Mama, I’m finished!”

“Please follow me, young miss,” Gerda instructed from the gaping doorway in between two granite columns.

“Go brush your teeth and take a bath, little love.”

“But mama, wha’about Aiden? I still want to show him around.” Claire pouted.

Aiden smiled and patted the four year old’s head, “Do your thing, kid. I’ll be fine.”


Watching her daughter happily skip away, Elsa reshifted her attention towards her empty plate and spoke, “Aiden.”

He looked at her blankly in breakneck speed; a bit downtrodden at the absence of the buoyant little girl who appeared to be the only glue of their communication.

Elsa will have to do all the talking alone, it seems.

“Mmh?” His eyes lingered on his feet.

Her stunning blue orbs were growing misty in guilt. “Can you do it?”

Aiden couldn’t reply. At least, not instantly.

Two things fought like snakes torn in a rivalry in his mind, and he registered and repeated her words like they were faint echoes harshly whispering through smoke.

No, he wasn’t scrutinizing his decision.

He’s simply contemplating what’s the truth behind his agreement. It was either he liked everything that occurred, for some sense, or it was because of her enthralling looks that captivated him to just dive in and throw caution to the wind.

But as he finally got the courage to really, actually reunite his eyes to hers, deep down he knew there was so much more to those succulent red lips which have abruptly claimed his serendipitous first kiss.

He still remembers what she asked of him, what she specifically asked for. Clear as day. A faux relationship, just for show—its foundation built against Elgon’s malicious intentions. Or, anyone else’s malicious intentions.

Elsa couldn’t believe she managed to articulate that request herself. She wondered how many other things she can articulate now that she has explored a side of her she never knew.

Apprehensively breathing deep, he fastidiously anticipated his response.

“I can.”

Her lips parted in surprise. “So yes?”

“I can, I will. If you’re thinking I feel obligated to do this, then don’t, please,” He drank in her tense frame, “And don’t blame yourself for anything that’s happened. Mistakes are to fix—not to fawn over.”

“I just feel guilty that someone else has to get involved with the fixing,” She frowned.

“Well... I did enter the mess myself. It was unforeseen.”

“Yeah,” She murmured.



“Aren’t you going to be forging down rules? Like a contract about this or something?” Aiden shrugged, “I respect any condition you’ll be giving me.”

Goodness, the things she can put into words.


To be continued
on the next chapter...

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