"Thanks!" said Miette with a tear coming down her face.

"No problem!" said Serena.

Miette cleans her face.

"Let's finish these tents!" said Serena.

"Let's go!" said Miette.

They finish setting up the tents.

"Where are Iris and Sawyer?" asked Miette.

"I haven't seen them since they went to get some berries..." said Serena.

"That was quite a while ago..." said Miette.

Serena nods.

"Maybe they are in a date?" asked Miette.

Miette and Serena laugh.

"Let's look for them... If they are on one... I think we're going to have to get our own berries..." said Serena, laughing.

"Yes... Probably!" said Miette, laughing.

Miette and Serena start looking for Iris and Sawyer.

Miette finally finds Iris and Sawyer.

They are being attacked by a wild Hypno.

Miette decides to tell Serena she found them.

"Serena! I found them!" whispered Miette.

"Good! Where are they?" asked Serena.

Miette points to Serena where they were.

"Let's help them!" said Serena while starting to run towards them.

"Wait!" said Miette pulling Serena.

"Let them work that out alone..." said Miette.

"Why?" asked Serena.

"It's important for them to create bonds with each other..." said Miette.

Iris and Sawyer are cornered.

"I think there's no escape from this... Sceptile, help me!" said Sawyer while throwing a pokéball to the air.

"Help us out, Fraxure!" said Iris while throwing a pokéball to the air.

"Sceptile!" said Sceptile.

"Fraxure!" said Fraxure.

Hypno uses Confusion.

"Sceptile, dodge it and use Leaf Blade!" said Sawyer.

"Fraxure, dodge it and use Dragon Rage!" said Iris.

Both Fraxure and Sceptile dodge the Confusion.

Both Fraxure and Sceptile land their attack.

Confusion hits Iris and Sawyer.

Hypno runs away.

"Thanks, Fraxure, come back now!" said Sawyer.

"Thanks, Sceptile, come back now!" said Iris.

Both pokémon look confused but return to their pokéball.

"Iris, I wanted to tell you that..." Sawyer was saying.

"Sawyer... I wanted to tell you something too.." Iris was saying.

Both pass out on the floor.

"Let's help them!" said Serena while running towards Iris and Sawyer.

"Wait for me!" said Miette while running with Serena.

Serena grabs Iris and lay her down on a tent.

Miette grabs Sawyer and lay him down on the other tent.

Serena tries to wake Iris up.

"Iris? Iris? Wake up!" said Serena.

"Uh? What happened?" asked Iris.

"You were hit by a confusion... That was it..." said Serena.

"Where is Sawyer?" asked Iris.

"He is on the other tent..." said Serena.

"I need to tell him..." said Iris.

"What do you need to tell him?" asked Serena.

Iris blushes.

Iris went back to sleep.

In the other tent... Miette was also trying to wake Sawyer up.

"Sawyer? Wake up!" said Miette.

"What happened?" asked Sawyer while putting his hand on his head.

"You were hit by a Confusion..." said Miette.

"Where's Iris? I need to see her!" said Sawyer, getting up.

"She's with Serena... She is in good care..." said Miette.

"Let me go there!" said Sawyer.

"Okay... She's right there, on the other tent..." said Miette, pointing to the pther tent.

Sawyer gets up and went to the other tent.

"Serena? What's up with her?" asked Sawyer, worried.

"She was hit by a confusion, just like you..." said Serena.

"Let me take care of her for now... You need to eat something..." said Sawyer.

"But you're not well yet!" said Serena.

"Doesn't matter, you won't be well too if you don't eat... Let me help her..." said Sawyer.

"If you insist..." said Serena while getting up.

Serena leaves the tent.

"What did he do?" asked Miette.

"He asked to take care of her while I eat something..." said Serena.

"I let him... He is still confused and wants to help her... So I wasn't going to argue..." said Serena.

"That's fine..." said Miette.

In the tent, Sawyer puts his hand on Iris' face.

"Iris? Are you okay?" asked Sawyer.

Iris wakes up.

"Sawyer? It's good to see you..." mumbled Iris.

"It's good to see you too!" said Sawyer.

"Look, I wanted to tell you something..." said Iris.

"I wanted to tell you something too..." said Sawyer.

"On 3..." said Sawyer.

"3..." said Sawyer.

"2..." said Iris.

"1..." said Sawyer.

"I love you!" said Iris and Sawyer, in sync.

Miette and Serena hear this.

"What are they talking about in that tent?" asked Miette.

"I don't know..." said Serena.

"Let's take a look!" said Miette.

"Go ahead..." said Serena.

Miette opens the tent a little bit.

Miette sees Iris holding Sawyer's head with two hands and Sawyer holding Iris' head with two hands.

Both Iris and Sawyer smile.

Miette close the tent.

"Looks like we're going to sleep on that tent today!" said Miette, poiting to the empty tent.

Iris and Sawyer fall asleep looking directly at each other's faces and holding each other's faces.

Serena and Miette went to sleep on the other tent

Serena's Sun and MoonWhere stories live. Discover now