Chapter 1: Ratatoskr

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, it's just that you look in desperate need of a nap, lucky for you, I can fix that with <Amaterasu>..." I felt my pockets and realized that my paintbrush wasn't with me. "Okay then that failed miserably, Reine, When was the last time you took a nap?"

"I haven't slept in 30 years, but I'm perfectly fine thanks to these pills." Reine showed me a bottle of pills, still I was amazed that this woman was able to pull off not sleeping for 30 years, she could set a record.

"I could help you out if I just had my paintbrush...where is it?" I asked, followed by Angie rubbing the back of her head nervously. "Angie, did you do anything to my favorite paintbrush?"

"Weeeeeeeellll." Angie trailed off suspiciously before we all heard the sound of the door slamming, we looked over to see Rantaro and Kaito out of breath and holding the door shut. "I gave it to Kaito after I painted a picture of Atua with it, and it paints really well!"

"Are you all stupid?!" I fearfully shook Angie, checking to make sure she was alright. "Amaterasu is a god hunting weapon! If used by anyone who doesn't have the right signature, they could easily die! And that's just by holding the damn thing! When used, god hunting weapons eat at the soul of whoever doesn't have the right signature!"

"That explains so much." Rantaro exclaimed calmly as he and Kaito held back whatever was behind that door. "Also, Kaito, can you hand (Y/N) back his paintbrush?"

"Sure." Kaito then reached into his pocket and pulled out <Amaterasu>, then he tossed the relic towards me. "Hey (Y/N), on a scale from one to ten, how mad will you be if we painted giant dicks on the wall and now they're trying to kill us."

"I'm sorry, what?" I caught <Amaterasu> midair and stared blankly at the two become the door suddenly burst open to reveal two 2d dicks that looked like they were drawn by immature children. "You both are idiots."

"Yup, but we're also best friends!" Kaito and Rantaro are both hiding behind me, with Kaito giving me a thumbs up. "So please be a pal and take care of our weird erectile creations!"

"I don't need to." I said calmly as I walked towards the two paintings my friends made. "After all, it's just ink, and it's a painter's job to command their ink."

I calmly stood in front of the two one-eyed snakes and used my paintbrush to paint the air in front of me. I painted fire on the palm of my hand and breathed on it, letting black flames arise from the mark as I held my hand high. The one-eyed snakes were so distracted by the flames, that they didn't notice me write "Half" on their bodies. Once I wrote the last F, I closed my hands to dispel the flames and allowed my word spell to take effect. The two 'snakes' were still for a moment before their top halves suddenly slid off, like they were cut with a sword. Once the two 'snakes' were taken care of, I turned back to everyone, who looked rather impressed.

"Well, let's meet this commander of yours, I hate to keep people waiting."

(Timeskip brought to you by (Y/N) writing "dumbass" on Rantaro and Kaito's foreheads, and the two boys not even noticing)

After some time of walking, we all arrived at a metallic door, which Reine opened to allow us to walk through. After we walked through, I was struck with awe at the sight of the room. The room was roughly the size of a gymnasium, and it was all gray with metal. There were lights in the ceiling, but there was also a large window that revealed the sky. Lining the walls were a series of computers, and in the middle of the room was a throne-like seat with a familiar imouto sitting in the middle.

"Kotori?!" I shouted in shock and surprise, but then I noticed she was wearing black ribbons instead of her usual white ones, but it must be a fashion choice. "What are you doing here?!"

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