Chapter 2

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Lost Connection Tour!
Sydney, Australia
Brisbane, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
Adelaide, Australia
Perth, Australia
Osaka, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Kallang, Singapore
Bangkok, Thailand
Hong Kong
Manila, Philippines
Jakarta, Indonesia
Johannesburg, Africa
Cape Town, Africa
Cardiff, England
Vienna, Austria
Brussels, Belgium
Horsens, Denmark
Oslo, Norway
Gothenburg, Sweden
Helsinki, Finland
San Diego, USA
Santa Clara, USA
Seattle, USA
Vancouver, Canada
Edmonton, Canada
Winnipeg, Canada
Minneapolis, USA
Kansas City, USA
Indianapolis, USA
Pittsburgh, USA
New Jersey, USA
Baltimore, USA
Columbus, USA
Toronto, Canada
Chicago, USA
Milwaukee, USA
Cleveland, USA
Detroit, USA
Philadelphia, USA
Buffalo, USA
Montreal, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Boston, USA
London, England
Manchester, England
Glasgow, Scotland
Birmingham, England
Dublin, Ireland
Belfast, Ireland
Newcastle, England
Sheffield, England

I was looking at the list of tour dates as I sat on the plane to ride to Sydney, Australia. It was going to be a long plane ride, I knew that. A 24 hour plane ride.


Lachy- Let me know when you landed


Me- I landed in your home country, Aussie boy!!

Lachy- Good!

Me- We are just going to the hotel now. Make sure to send pictures of you & my pup, Serka! I'm going to miss you two

Lachy- We're going to miss you too!

Lachy- But good luck with the jet lag

Me- 😒😝

Lachy- :p

Me- Still not a fan of those emojis, huh?

Lachy- Nope. Probably will never be.

Me- c'mon. It's 2020

Lachy- Nope Nope Nope. I refuse

Me- whatever OLD man

Lachy- Whatever LITTLE girl

Me- Little girl? R u fo reallll?

Lachy- Whatcha gonna do about it?

~Changed Lachy to old man~

*Attachment 1 image

Old man- I thought we were done with this name changing shit

Me- Never bc I knew it always bothered you


Me- If your girlfriend isn't the most annoying person in your life, is she REALLY your girlfriend?

Old man- Gee, ig not

Texting Lachlan Power Part 2Where stories live. Discover now