23 | unchristian

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A/N [important]
hi if you're a young reader, below your local drinking age. no i'm not saying you need to drink to have fun and celebrate. don't ever feel pressured to do something you don't want to, alcohol being one of the many. remember to take care of yourself and others💜

[quick note] - i don't even drink and my country doesn't have a legal drinking age. I still have as much fun and remembering everything makes it all more memorable.

Know the consequences of alcohol and stay safe


You're sitting in Jungkook and Yoongi's hotel room, why?

I'm not sure I'm just narrating the story.

Jimin has been down the street to buy alcohol only to find the cashiers asking for his id because apparently to them "You look like a 14 year old still living off your parent's money." and he had to go and get Yoongi to buy the liquor. Despite almost being the same size as Jimin, the male behind the desk was almost shitting his pants.

Yoongi isn't scary. Well scary hot but otherwise his duality just makes even the males want to experience the tongue technology.

Namjoon attempted to make cocktails only to realise he isn't at home and can't mix the drinks properly with the materials here. He ended up having Jungkook flirt with a random bartender at the hotel to 'borrow' the mixer thing, the name is irrelevant.

At the end they're successful, the stench probably affecting their "sober" state. No one is mentioning the elephant in the room.

No like seriously, why did Jimin buy an elephant plushie?

"What boring cliché game should we play this time?" Hoseok says passing a shot to Jungkook who's struggling to reach it from the floor. They're all, including you, sitting on the floor in a sloppy circle, even oval shaped would be too nice to call it.

"What about a game I've made called drunkward squidtard. Actually it doesn't have a name yet I just made that up." You explain trying to sustain a giggle but judging by everyone's expression you hold it back. "We each divide into two teams, the tallest and shortest pick their mates." While explaining the others try to use your instructions to create the teams.

You're not sure wether you or Jimin is the shortest from your group so measuring with back to back Namjoon determines your height. "Vitus is the shortest." He says with his hand on top of your heads pressing down the hair to get the measurement right. About to get teased by Jimin who has a giant grin on his face Namjoon speaks again "Oh wait Jimin is the midget."

"I hate you Namjoon."

"You get to decide the team along with Namjoon, and you can beat him don't worry." You boop his nose with a tug on your lips. Unlocking your phone you scroll through your notes again. Meanwhile Jimin picks his first teammate calling out his name "Jungkook."

Then Namjoon follows him shortly already having thought of wanting Hoseok on the team. With both you and Yoongi remaining as the last ones without a team he sighs as if it's the hardest decision in history. Jungkook has crawled up beside him sitting on a small pillow on the floor. "Pick Vitus, he knows the rules. Advantages~" Jungkook whispers with a melody in Jimin's ears. Hinting at the pros of having you on their team instead of the opposing.

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