"My dad wouldn't let you touch him. And neither will I." Jacob says, his nose scrunched in disgust.

Aro laughs coldly. "Oh okay... That's fine. It isn't like I can access every thought and memory. Not like I could see that place." He shrugs.

Jake hesitates and sighs heavy, turning to Seth. "Phone."

"You gotta stop breaking yours, man." Seth says, handing his phone over.

Before long, Rachel is pulling into the driveway. Jacob helps his father into his chair. "I'm sorry... This is the only way."

Billy forces a smile. "King needs us to put our differences aside. I can do that - for her."

Jacob pushes his dad over to where the three musketeers wait, Esme and the others inside but watching and listening. Caius steps forward. "Thank you Billy... I know this can't be easy. The sooner we do this the sooner we get to our girl."

Billy nods one and looks to Aro. "How do you..."

"I just take your hand. Don't panic - I won't hurt you." He smirks, holding his hand out.

Billy takes a deep breath and holds his hand up. He looks away as Aro takes it, flinching at the coldness of it; Aro gives an amused chuckle before he looks down and closes his eyes, Billy's hand clasped in both of his. Everyone is silent, no one breathes, as he focuses.

"Mirror Lake, Utah. You went twice with her, she was 5 and 8." Aro finally says.

Billy looks at him in shock. "You... How?"

"How can any of us do what we do?" Aro says, everyone rushing out. "Let's go."


King stands on the balcony of the cabin her and her mom always came to; her grandfather's boat would usually be docked at the dock they sold that many years ago, when he passed

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King stands on the balcony of the cabin her and her mom always came to; her grandfather's boat would usually be docked at the dock they sold that many years ago, when he passed. She looks up at the cloudy sky, taking a deep breath before she straightens up.

Kali leans in the doorway. "Are you ready? She got your message... She'll be there any minute."

King looks at Kali, her eyes cold and her expression hard. "Let's get this over with."

"King... You could die." Kali says, grabbing her arm before she can rush off. "What do I tell your fa-"

"There's letters in my bag. Give them out." She says with a hard tone. She pulls her hand away and walks down the steps, to the edge of the Dock. She looks up to the balcony where Kali waits. "You're ready? I can already sense my brother getting closer. He can't stop this once I start."

Kali nods. "I got it... Good luck, Kingsley."

King nods once and turns to the lake, looking down at the water. She slowly steps out onto it, her heart thumping, and then takes another step. She still surprises herself with what she can do so easily. She smirks a little and walks slowly, looking ahead. It's the winter season so no ones at the lake - the owner of the cabin doesn't even know they're here.

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