A New Life

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Loki's POV:

Odin has ordered Thor to bring me to Midgard as part of my punishment, and I'm dreading it very much. He says it should help me to learn my place, and to learn to enjoy my life as is. I highly doubt anything will change, though. Me and Thor get to the Bifrost, and Heimdall sends us on out way to the dreaded Midgard.

We land in Midgard, atop Stark Tower. 'Fond memories', I thought with sarcasm. Once we entered the building, and go to the room where the Avengers are gathered, doing Odin knows what.

Once we enter, Thor clears his throat, getting everyone's attention. There is an immediate response. "What the heck is reindeer games doing here?!", Stark yells. Followed by many crude variations of that sentence.

As everyone is yelling, I take the time to go through everyone in the room. There's Stark, the captain, the widow, the archer, the hulk*shudders*. But what catches my eye, is a young boy, sitting in a chair, just watching everything unfold. I ignore him for the time being.

Peter's POV:

I'm sitting in Avenger's Tower, hanging out with the Avenger's. We all hear someone clear their throat, and turn around. I see Thor and Loki standing in the doorway.

Almost immediately, Mr. Stark yells, "What the heck is reindeer games doing here?!", and that sends everyone into a shouting frenzy. While I just sit there, observing the whole situation.

I notice Loki staring at me, and become curious. I've heard many bad things about him, but I want to see what he's like for myself.

After about 5 minutes of shouting and yelling, everyone goes quiet when Loki says, "Well, this is going to be interesting.". Before anyone can say anything, I start walking past the group, toward Thor and Loki.

As I do, I feel a hand push me back, and a voice saying, "Stay behind me, Peter.". I look up to find that the voice and hand belonging to Mr. Stark. But I ignore him and continue walking.

Once I get to them, I introduce myself. "Hi! I'm Peter Parker! Nice to meet you!", I say as I hold out my hand. Thor, in his booming voice, says, "Hello Peter! I am Thor of Asgard, and this is my brother, Loki. It is a pleasure to meet you.". He shakes my hand. After that, I turn to Loki and do the same.

Loki's POV:

This mortal boy turns to me after introducing himself to Thor. He holds out his hand, with a smile on his face. Not knowing what to do, I copy Thor and shake his hand, saying, "I am Loki of Asgard. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, young mortal.".

All of the sudden, I feel arms wrapped around me. I look down to see the boy, Peter, hugging me. I just looked at him with a shocked expression. I look up to see all of the Avengers with shock and fear plastered on their faces. As I look back down, I, uncertainly, put my arms around the boy as well. After a bit, he lets go, and says, "I think we are going to be good friends.". Then walks back to the group, who seem to examine him, making sure he's not hurt.

I just stand there in utter confusion. This mortal boy has shown affection for me. Something, not even my family, besides my mother, has shown towards me. Inside, I am touched at his kindness and compassion, even after what I have done.

Third Person POV:

The Avengers all watch in shock, as Peter talks to Loki. They are even more shocked when he hugs him. They're all freaking out, hoping that Loki won't do anything to Peter. As Peter comes back over to the group, they all seem to start checking him, making sure he's not hurt. When they look at Loki, they can see the confusion on his face. They are also confused, mainly because Loki hugged Peter back. Definitely unexpected. Maybe he can change, with help from Peter.


Thanks for reading! Tips are much appreciated. Hope it wasn't too bad.

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