I turned to the knights, they were gone.

I furrowed my brow, 'What? Where the hell did they go?'

I turned back around and groaned, 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?'

A giant tornado was in front of me.



Lilly hung of the sides of the horse, she continued to taught the knight closest to her.

He was fighting the urge to hit her in the face.

"-and that's why size matters. Sir I'm sorry to say but your wife must be very unhappy."

A knight snickered in the back and the Lilly's target of insults finally got angry enough to try and hit her.

He grabbed her neck and she bit his hand. He grimaced in pain and she began to feel a bit light headed.

All of the movement must have startled the horse and it bucked leaving Lilly still biting the knights hand and him on her neck.

The horse charged and sprinted down the road.

They all heard a quiet scream and thump, then a child.


The tornado was running full force toward us.
The wind blew violently, and wiped my hair and clothes around my body.

Lilly tried to limp away from the wind cyclone.
She knew that she could not outrun the tornado. So she laid the child on the ground and covered him with her cloak. She placed him on her lap and slouched over him, shielding him from the storm.

The winds picked up as that storm approached, the sky that was blue was now a sickly Looking green.

A branch wiped at her and hit her in the arm. 'Ouch that actually hurt, this might be a little more painful then I originally thought....'

She continued to protect the child as rocks and large sticks hit her.

She stayed in the position for what seems like forever.

When it finally calmed down she looked up from her intense gaze at the child in her arms making sure nothing touched him.

Winds swirled all around her, she seemed to be in the eye of the tornado.

She looked up the walls of wind and latched onto a figure. It seemed to float in the air and an electric feeling made the hair on her body stand on edge.

The figure seemed to have noticed her and floated downward.

Lilly tightened her grip on the child, as it lowered to the ground she evaluated it.

She made out a dark cloak and a long sword attached to the persons hip.
She didn't see their face, only their tall figure as they floated to the ground next to her.

They seemed to evaluate her and her crouched figure. Huddled over a thing she would probably die for.

As the person walked closer she steadied herself.

She glared at the cloaked person at her side. They raised their arm and pointed at her.

Not even a moment later a silver dagger was shot out of their sleeve and stopped a millimeter from her face.

She didn't flinch, only glared.

The figure chuckled softly and said, "What a strange Human."

They swung their hand and hit Lilly with the back of their dagger.

Knocking her out.

HELLO CHILDREN!!!!! I have dominos pizza all over my phone when I was writing this chapter.

Who is this mysterious person?

Who is that boy?

What the hell was up with that tornado?


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