My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 43 (Pt. 1)

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My brain was all: Drew or Charlie? Drew or Charlie?!

And I was all: Drew. But what about Charlie? Wait, no--just stop thinking about it!

I don't know about you, but thinking about feelings--that are possibly one-sided--for extended periods of time was exhausting to me.


"One, two, three, four--chop, chop everyone!" Ms Queen yells, like the dictator that we all know she is. Meanwhile, Mr Brower observes us from his little spot in corner next to the stereo system. We're all in heels now, practicing on the actual stage. All the decorations are up and it's becoming all too real.

Trying to ease myself into lighthearted conversation, I whisper, "They say that practice makes perfect; but then again, nobody's perfect. So, why practice?"

Drew laughs, staring at me with that wide-eyed look of his. "How do you come up with these things?" he asks, amused.

"Nah, I overheard it from a girl at the supermarket. I mean, I'm just rehashing."

"I knew it..."

"Knew what?" I replied, brows dipping down in confusion. I mean, why must I be attracted to the most cryptic of guys?

Drew grins, pinching my cheek. "That you're eccentric; that I chose the right girl."

Before I could say anything back, Ms Queen tugs on our arms. "Less talk, more dancing, you two!"

I'm really not sure of what to say to him. A week ago, if you asked me, I would've said, "Yeah, me too." But now, it's all different. Am I meant to tell him I chose the right guy, when technically, I haven't chosen as per sé? With Charlie popping up in my head and fighting for my attention, I don't think it'd be fair. So, I just shrug at him, hoping that he'll understand me.

Part of me knows he won't. Part of me knows that there's only one other person, apart from Cindy, who does.

After practice, Mom picks me up and we go straight home. I take a shower as soon as we get there, and so the pampering begins. Penny blasts Blank Space and we all get in the zone. Cindy arrives with not a minute to spare, hair products in a big, yellow-gold shoulder bag. The hue briefly reminds me of Charlie's eyes, but I dismiss the thought. Like a pro, she sets her station up in the living room and does my hair. Leaving it in soft waves, she pins it back. When I see myself in the mirror, I immediately like it. It's different from my normally wild curls, but it still feels me. It's loose and messy, but still elegant in its own right.

After I thank Cindy, she makes me apply the anti-allergy cream on my face. Twenty-one minutes later, Mom begins to work her magic. Though, I'm still nervous about the possible red splotches appearing on my face, I have faith in my mother. She won't do anything that'll harm me, that I'm sure of. Within half an hour, she finishes and carefully hands me a mirror. Mom squeezes my hand reassuringly, and that's all I need. I lift up the mirror.

"Oh my gosh, Mom! I look so..." I start to say, but I can't find the right words.

Mom hugs me and she laughs at my reaction. "Elouise, you look the same as always; beautiful," she whispers in my ear and I hug her more tightly.

"Thanks, Mom, but it's fine; I know you're obligated to say that--you're my mom!" I kid and she hugs me again.

"Eli, don't be so down on yourself. You're a total babe," she winks and I gasp.

"Mom, no!"

She ignores my outrage, of course. "Now, come. You have to change," she retorts with a warm smile. Mom whisks me off upstairs, to my room, where Penny set up my gown for the first formal wear event, The Presentation of Candidates.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt