Chapter 16

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Warning! This may be a little cheesy but I don't care. The whole point of this story is for it to be much happier and lighter than the other ones I have done for this ship.

Veronica's POV

"Aren't you glad now that you got out of the house?" I asked Cheryl as we made our way to her car. Kevin and Toni had finished everything, so I didn't need to keep Cheryl distracted any longer.

"Actually yes. Hey you wanna come back over mine? Might as well spend the rest of the day together." Cheryl suggested. I hadn't expected to be there when the reveal happens, but I was more than happy to accept the invitation.

"I'd love to. Well I'll get in my car and I'll meet you there." I said, then went to my vehicle.

~ten minutes later~

I arrived before Cheryl somehow, but not by much. I was getting out of my car when she pulled up. Kevin was standing on her doorstep. I winked at him, then looked back to Cheryl who had stepped out of her red car.

"Kev? What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Just thought I would come and see you."

"Oh okay."

"Is it okay if I join you ladies tonight?" Kevin asked.

"Sure. We probably won't do much. Maybe just like a movie night or something." Little does she know what's in store for her. I can't wait to see the shock on her face.

We walked in, and Cheryl had a confused expression instantly.

"What the hell is this?" She asked, as she pointed to a piece of paper on a table with her name on it.

"I have a confession to make. I didn't come to hang with you two. I came because a couple days ago, Toni asked me to set a little something up for you. She had your gift sent to my house and asked me to do this." Kevin explained.

"Do what?" Cheryl said, picking up the piece of paper.

"Set up this little treasure hunt. By the way the clues aren't too hard." Cheryl didn't appear confused anymore, but rather excited. Kevin had written each note on each paper himself, to make sure it didn't give anything away too soon.

Cheryl's POV

I looked at the paper.

"Nice handwriting Kev." I chuckled.

"Hey. I was in a rush. I didn't want to take too long." He defended himself. There was a note on the other side. I read it. While it may have been Kevin's writing, it was Toni's words. There was a rose petal next to it.

I'm so sorry that work is getting in the way of our special day, but I hope we get plenty of time to talk after. I've got Kevin to set this up and I hope it shows you how much I appreciate you. You have a bit of way to go until you get your gift, so I suggest you go to the living room and search for the next petal. Then you'll find the next clue :)

I couldn't get rid of the smile on my face no matter how much I tried. My feet were moving before my mind could catch up. I found myself in the living room within seconds. My eyes scanned the room for a red rose petal. I checked in each corner and finally found it by the tv, along with the next clue.

Hello again beautiful. Hope it didn't take you too long to find this. Where's the next one? I feel like you should check the kitchen.

I went to the kitchen and looked everywhere. This one took more time to find than the previous, one but I eventually found it hidden behind some boxes in a cupboard.

Sorry this one took a little longer. I wanted Kevin to give you a bit more of a challenge looking for it. Don't worry, the next one will be a lot easier. You should probably head to the bathroom next, just saying. Oh and btw you're freaking amazing

As soon as I went into the bathroom, I saw it sitting on the sink. I picked it up swiftly.

Sorry I'm making you work so hard baby. It'll all be worth it, I promise. I think you will really like your gift. Only a few more to go. As for the next one, you should find it in your parents' room. Ps I feel so lucky to have met you, virtually that is and I hope to properly meet you some day in the future. And yes, I am going to be putting a compliment or nice message for you on the rest of the notes too!

I made my way up the stairs, with my friends following right behind me. Both of my parents were typically in work by now, but I knocked just in case. When there was no response I knew it was safe to go inside. I rushed in and found the next petal and clue by the mirror. The petals were those of a real rose, which was obvious by the smell.

Almost there. The final room to go to is yours. You're the most kind and talented person I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Just needed to make sure you know that.

My cheeks heated up with each note I read. They were all so sweet. It made me happy to know that she had gone through all this trouble to make sure our day was special, even if we couldn't talk much. My room was besides my parents. When I walked in, I couldn't see the petal at first. But I walked closer to my bed, and noticed that it was sort of blending in with the red of my bed covers.

You've made it to the end. Well done! I really hope you like your gift. You deserve happiness and I hope that the gift, or gifts ;) bring you that. Now where is it, you ask? Well check the place in your room where you may have spent a lot of your younger years questioning something. (If it wasn't clear I'm talking about the closet).

I rolled my eyes at her gay joke, but went to the closet. I carefully pulled the doors open. I expected them to reveal my clothes and gifts that Toni had gotten, but was stunned to see her standing there herself. My whole body suddenly felt weak. Is this real? Is this actually happening? Is she really standing there? It can't be real. To test if she was standing there, I put my hand to her cheek and was surprised to see her lean into my touch. My eyes started to water as I put the puzzle together. It wasn't a dream. Toni was truly standing in my room, holding a bunch of red roses.

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