Chapter 7

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Cheryl's POV

What is going on? Do they know each other? Veronica better back off. Oh crap. I'm jealous. Great. Me and Toni and aren't even a thing and I'm jealous. It's fine. Veronica is with Betty.

Toni's POV

I couldn't believe it. What are the chances? That's one hell of a coincidence.

Toni🎶: Veronica are you?

Veronica🛍: I'm great. How are you? How's Katy? How's New York?

Toni🎶: glad to hear it. Katy is amazing. New York is just meh...y'know?

Veronica🛍: love that

Cheryl🍒: wait you two know each other?

Toni🎶: Yep

Cheryl🍒: omg since when??

Toni🎶: Since basically forever. We grew up together Cher. It was always me, V and Katy. But then you moved away :(

Veronica🛍: Blame my father for that one...

Betty🔎: wow...I'm shocked

Veronica🛍: If I didn't come to Riverdale though I would have never of met Betty 😚

Cheryl🍒: exactly ^^^


Toni🎶: We need to catch up face time or something

Veronica🛍: definitely :)

Toni🎶: yaaaayyyyy

Cheryl🍒: it's a shame New York is so far away :(

Toni🎶: ikr. I wish I could just climb through the screen

Veronica🛍: I can't believe this

Veronica🛍: I mean what are the chances??

Cheryl🍒: ^^^

I know Cheryl wasn't saying loads, but I could tell she was a little jealous of Veronica and I's friendship. Even through texts, I could picture the look on her face. I don't why, but for some reason this made me fall for her more. I've really fallen for Cheryl, huh? Haha oops. Maybe I should ask her out instead of pining after her.

I decided I wanted to joke with Cheryl a bit about her being jealous, so I chose to message her privately. The group chat was still blowing up slightly, but I ignored it for the moment.

Toni: pretty cute how you were jealous of me and Veronica😊

Cheryl: what??? No I wasn't...what are you talking about???

Toni: yeah sure you weren't 😂😂

Cheryl: oh whatever...Maybe I was a little

Toni: oh I know ;)

Cheryl: shut up

Toni: Never 😄

Toni: you know you love it...

Cheryl: maybe I do...a little...but still shut up

Toni: as you wish :)

Cheryl: omg I hate you 😒

Toni: no you don't

Cheryl: But did you two ever like date or anything?

Toni: Nope

Cheryl: okay good

Cheryl: Still not jealous

Cheryl: She's in a relationship anyway

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