Chapter 5

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Cheryl's POV

I layed on my bed, my phone by my side as I stared at the ceiling. I was somewhat, patiently waiting for Toni to get home and text me.

Toni: just pulled up at home

Cheryl: cool

Cheryl: hey, what does your bike look like?

Toni: I'll show you...gimme a sec


I gasped, searching for air when she sent me the picture

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I gasped, searching for air when she sent me the picture. She looks hot. My heart started pounding.

Cheryl: a warning would be nice 😍😮😰

Toni: Sorry haha

Cheryl: seriously you can't send me a picture like that and expect me to live

Toni: you like it then?

Cheryl: you kidding?!?

Cheryl: hot af

Toni: I ment the bike...but thanks

Cheryl: oops...but I ain't lying tho

Toni: thanks ;)

Cheryl: no worries 😉😜

Toni's POV

I walked into my house, not taking my eyes off my phone for more than a second. I grinned at everything Cheryl said. I didn't know it was possible to fall for someone this fast.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said.

"Hi. Sorry can't talk. Gotta go do homework." I lied, rushing to my room before my mother could stop me.

I dumped my school bag on the floor leaped onto my bed. I looked down to the glowing screen and saw a question from Cheryl.

Cheryl: how was your day then?

Toni: same as boring

Cheryl: haha mood

We talked some more, the butterflies returning as we spoke. This would happen every time we were messaging each other. I can't escape this feeling and honestly...I don't want to. I mean since talking to her I had ignored any other messages that I got...and I'm happy.

Cheryl: this may seem weird but what do you sound like? I just realised that I don't actually know

Toni: I don't know. What do you sound like?

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