Chapter 12

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Cheryl's POV

~a month later~

If that teacher don't shut up I swear I'm gonna throw a book at her. I'm so bored. I need something else to do.

Cheryl: hey babe. You able to talk?

Toni: Always. You okay?

Cheryl: Yeah I'm fine. It's just that class is boring and I feel like I'm about to punch my teacher :)

Toni: Big mood😂

Toni: You know what I just realised?

Cheryl: What?♥

Toni: That it's like a week until school break starts, almost our 2 month anniversary and then your birthday is the day after!

Cheryl: Already?

Cheryl: I can safely say this time with you has flown by 💕💕💕

Toni: Same

Toni: I can't wait to spend those two special days showering you with virtual love and affection :)

Cheryl: You are so cute

Toni: I know 😜

I wanted to laugh at her message, but if I did Miss would notice and take my phone from me.

Cheryl: That's it. I'm ignoring you now.

Toni: Baby please don't :((

Cheryl: Fine...I guess I'll stay for you <3

Toni: yayy ☺

Toni: Please accept this selfie as my apology for being annoying :)

Toni: Took it the other night


I felt my cheeks turning bright red and did my best to hide it

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I felt my cheeks turning bright red and did my best to hide it. The last thing I want is my friends to notice.

Cheryl: Appology accepted😍

Cheryl: Literally just step on me already please k thanks xx

Toni: As you wish. Just get to New York first😙

Cheryl: If only :(

Toni: We'll meet in person one day!

Cheryl: Let's hope so

Toni: Now show me your beautiful face please :)

Cheryl: I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm beautiful but okay. Gimme a sec

Toni: You what? I will send you a thrity page essay on why you are the most beautiful thing don't go there

Cheryl: damn okay


Toni: kaeknihueclhfneaiuguyfvbygafnulhfnewiucn

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Toni: kaeknihueclhfneaiuguyfvbygafnulhfnewiucn

Toni: Perfection

Cheryl: The bell just went so I'm gonna have to go

Toni: awww :((

Cheryl: I'm spending break with the gang but I'll text you later

Toni: Okay bye :)

Distance - A Choni StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt